
It's okay, we all are.

Katy Perry knows nothing of which she speaks. It is known.

Thank you, Kara. I'll be sharing this with everyone I know.

Save your bile for the next 13-year-old girl who dares to sign into Xbox Live

Yes! Thank you! Blech.

Tom can still get it. Colin also got the can-get-it genes. Chet cannot get it.

Ooh, well aren't you just the little racist, presuming to know how "people in those particular third world countries" feel about foreigners coming over to rape their children!

Fuck, that sounds delicious.

S0, you've never heard of lemonade?

Nobody drinks straight up cranberry juice, or most other juices for that matter. Aside from apple and orange, most other juices are a blend of apple and other stuff. And sugar. Lots and lots of sugar.

You're my kind of Westerosi.

Because you can make juices out of any of the GOOD fruits! Who the hell would drink canteloupe juice? Who, I ask you, WHOOOOO?

Yikes, that's horrible. I hope he finds something that works for him!

I love my cats. But I would never take them to a restaurant or bring them shopping with me! I did try to bring my cat into a Waffle House once, but that's because we were moving cross-country and it was cold as fuck outside. Did I throw a fit when they asked me to leave her outside? NO. I put her in the truck,

I don't know, Louise has a special place in my heart.

The trolling — which, in the wake of our post, spread to other sites in our network (to our colleagues: oof, really sorry about that)

I was trying to make a "I like bald guys" / "I like short women" comparison. I might have failed.

I find that many men recant the preference of loving short women when given the caveats of fat and short, or brunette and short, or the combination thereof.

At least you're honest. Good talking with you, buddy.

Actually, I do appreciate that. Still, why do you feel the need to make anti-Semitic comments?