Well, thank you for posting it in three places to make sure I saw it! You sure learnt me good.
Well, thank you for posting it in three places to make sure I saw it! You sure learnt me good.
They're Sharon Tate-sty.
Like swastika waffles?
Oh god, that is funny. I smoosh words all the time, which earned me the nickname Smarge at a coffee shop I frequented. Fucks just takes the cake, though!
Fast Food Workers: Don't do stupid shit. Customers wil notice.
That is awesome and adorable!
So cute! They remind me of my childhood dog. She'd sneeze on purpose to make us laugh. It was a funny little show she'd put on.
Had she left out "butt hurt" and made the list a little less pointed directly at certain people, this would have been something I'd be on board for. But no, she had to go bitchy on it. Le sigh.
Dang, I need to get ahold of some punch cards for me and my girls. They'll come in really handy on our 'Borsh-n-Brunch Saturdays. Mimosas, waffles, and D&C's for everyone!
So why do you bother with Jezebel?
So, are you guys hiring...?
I'm smiling already!!
Go look up sarcasm instead, since you failed at it.
I know a few that WANT to be independent......only way they accomplish that is being supported financially by a MAN. Yeah, independent.
First off, you're not on Deadspin, you fuckwit. Second, as a professional in the working world, MOST women I know are independent. We take care of ourselves because men like you exist and we'd rather die than be beholden to asshats like you. Bonjour, bitch!
As the breadwinner of the household, I wholeheartedly disagree. I'm sorry you've been hurt before, but don't take your shit out on the rest of us.
No, I'm completely serious. Tell us the appropriate reaction should have to being violently raped by multiple people at the same time? How long should the effects of said violent rape last? When should this young woman stop worrying about being attacked again?
Fuck you.