No kidding. Would it be so much different if it was a brothel (or whatever you call it where kids are pimped out)? No, this dude raped KIDS.
No kidding. Would it be so much different if it was a brothel (or whatever you call it where kids are pimped out)? No, this dude raped KIDS.
I'd really like to firebomb that lawyer's office. That is some straight-up ignorant shit. What I'd like to do to the kid is far, far worse but still better than he deserves.
I'm not at the "cool kids table." I'm at the smart kids table, calling you stupid for not getting sarcasm. Grow a sense of humor.
Hello, turd in the punchbowl. So sorry you can't grasp such high-brow humor, maybe you'd prefer to sit at the kids table? They have crayons!
Yeah, that was way more heart-wrenching than a mother getting fired because she was in jail for letting her kid play outside. Cool story.
That sounds amazing, actually. I'll take five, please and thank you.
You raise an excellent point.
Roasted tomatoes smothered in cheese and bacon crumbles it is!
You got EXTREMELY lucky in turning down the sugar-free candy. That stuff is just the goddamned worst.
Lifelong type 1 diabetic, can verify.
And who the fuck goes from Detroit to Dearborn to get weed??
I'd wager he's afraid for his life every moment of every day, hence his twitchy trigger finger.
I must have the chillest cats in the world. No matter what I feed them, they're fine with it. Well, bitchy girl cat doesn't like chunks in her wet food, so she'll eat the gravy and leave the chunks to her brother. That's as picky as they get. They're still assholes, though.
Interesting! My family and I are looking into a service dog for me, but highs are much more of a problem for me than lows.
I like you.
That is rough. I hope it didn't happen too often!
Did it really? Having a pump didn't ruin my sex life, but it did ruin my skin for a long time. How did the CGM fuck things up for you, if you don't mind me asking?
You do understand an insulin pump is used specifically for controlling diabetes, right? It's not a magical machine that makes a person not have to control their disease.
Or a Kali Barbie!
I'm pretty sure that happens in any car, but yeah, it's a bit overinflated with luxury lines.