
It's decidedly one-sided, for sure. McGraw is pretty lucky that all he got was a grab. I bet he'd have handled it differently if something was inserted into him.

I love you for knowing who that is.

"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue."

Did you see the Gawker post about Iggy Azalea's fans trying to finger her? Ooh, thr MRA's were all over that one, dropping gems like "If she didn't want to get fingered, she shouldn't stage dive or talk about her vagina." So much rage.

I completely understand, there is a certain allure to supplies you don't have to share and crayons that are as yet unsmelt. I wandered into the area because I have a big metal post in my cubical that I figured, hey, let's throw some magnetic shit on that bitch. But you know what was in the school supplies section?

I'll let you in on my birth control secret: Target during Back-to-School time. The whining, the crying, the screaming over motherfucking pencils... Shuts my junk down like Todd Akin thinks rape does.

I am well aware of the logical fallacy, but you are absolutely right about the cognitive dissonance.

Hmm, maybe it's because all those blockbusters that "feature" women have a military/battle theme? And if you're going to go all "what about the menz" with rom-coms, maybe take a look at how women are portrayed in those, too. They're NEVER about a confident, self-assured woman—they're all cutesy, "I don't know I'm

No, it's not good enough! We are HALF OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION, and yet we're little more than stand-out, extreme cases. It's NOT good enough that we're singular figures, because that just means we're not visible unless we're special. I watched Pacific Rim last weekend. There were two female soldiers, and one

It's the title of the article. Also, you're the only person so far who hasn't been able to glean from my post that I'm advocating for women in the workplace.

Lucy hasn't even come out yet! How can you call that a blockbuster when it hasn't made a single dollar in theaters??

I'm absolutely not arguing against feminism. It's pretty much a given that the GOP believes we're less productive when we're pregnant, so I'm asking why they'd want us pregnant at work in the first place.

Very true. Good luck getting us to go back to that.

Well, if welfare queens would stop popping out kids, it wouldn't be a problem!

Ha! Are you a Sconnie??

We really are a problem. If we could just stop being so alluring, men could focus on winning wars. Then they wouldn't have to rape us so much!

Thank you for putting me in my place. :)

You're right, that wasn't very womanly of me. I apologize. Back to being hysterical and irrational!

Here's what I don't get— If employers don't want us pregnant because it interferes with our productivity, and don't want us to take maternity leave because it costs them so much money, why are they not plying us with EVERY AVAILABLE BIRTH CONTROL OPTION? Like, have it in the break room next to the non-dairy creamer,