
I laugh to keep from crying. :(

Shouldn't that be "omen are like children PLUS you can have sex with them"?

People really don't like to admit how much we're bags of chemicals.

Female anger is irrational. Male anger is justified and righteous. Especially if it's aimed at some bitch.

Oh no, I'm so sorry. You need kittens and pandas, STAT!

They are. It's a clusterfuck of WTF-ness.

Agreed. I checked out TRP for the same reason I check out the trypophobia or cringe pics—morbid curiosity.

Fat chicks. :(

OMG THIS. There was a comment about women being subject to hormonal waves, and thank goodness men don't have those hormone problems. Right, buddy. Because testosterone is not at all connected to emotions.

I spent some time looking at The Red Pill last night, and my god, is it scary. That exact sentiment came up over and over again. These people cannot grasp that, a) women are humans, too, capable of making our own decisions; and b) even if she said yes, this is what would happen the first time she says no.

That is a big damn cat. And I thought my 16-lb boy was big!

Wow, that's really cool. I think I might need to check into seeing a therapist who specializes in chronic illnesses. I've had a couple of doctors who have said, duh, yeah, it makes life harder so of course it's contributing to depression, but another couple who said, no, you've had it for your whole live, you should

Seriously. You have PTSD? Fuck you, deal with it. You have a not-visible chronic illness? Fuck you, deal with it. Of course, you can't take drugs to function normally, because then you're a druggie. But you also aren't allowed to have a figurative crutch, someone/something to lend emotional support and

My family is trying to get me a service dog for a not-at-all-obvious lifelong medical issue. This is one of my greatest fears about it. I'm not disabled, but I'm also not "healthy." You can't see my disease, but after living with it all this time, it's having consequences that, again, you can't see (the irony

Wow, that's really compelling "evidence."

For the record, I love my husband and do not, in any way, endorse cheating. But sex is, you know, great, so I think people should be getting their freak on how they feel like it, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

Oh, I am. I'm just also a big supporter of pre-marital sex and dispelling myths about marriage, sex, and fairytale endings. :)


Can you remember every toy you played with as a child? No. Some toys were special, most were fun and novel at the time, but ultimately not memorable. For healthy people who have a good grip of reality, that's how sex is. Sometimes it just feels good. You find a pretty toy, you play with it a while, and then you

The logic is false, friend.