
Sounds fair. I'm in the Midwest, so chances are it would just be passive-aggressively suggested that you move over, but we do have some crazy-aggressive housewife types here.

Good. We're friends now.

I'm in total agreement of the mall vs. airport/transportation situation difference. But the difference to me comes in which direction you're approaching/being approached from. On the escalator, you can't always see the person coming up from behind you. I was raised that it's common courtesy to say "excuse me" when

I'll move over on the elevator when others move over on the sidewalk. TALKING TO YOU, PEOPLE WALKING SIDE BY SIDE WHO CAN'T INTERRUPT THEIR CONVERSATION FOR ONE SECOND TO LET ME BY.

But if you stand to the side, there's the assumption that people want to pass you. If you stand in the middle, you're using the elevator for it's intended purpose—letting a machine do the work of carrying you up a flight of stairs. I guess I don't know escalator etiquette, I always assumed people just ride them. If

I know, I've met your type. Thing is, if you like to bustle, bustle your way around my fat ass. ;)

Right? I ride escalators so I don't have to walk...

The expectation that everyone sees you, knows your needs, and understands the whole complex system at work in any given scenario and we can all act together in a choreographed demonstration of mutual interest is highly appealing but batshit crazy.

You know, I agree. Put her on TV, display her crazy for all to see. Hell, get Michele Bachmann on there! Anything to keep them out of politics.


I strongly suspect it works just fine, when he's slipped something in it.

That does sound good.

I really believe every young woman needs to learn how to land a punch. Just one solid shot to tell the person you are not fucking around.

Then maybe your energy would be better spent teaching young women how to protect themselves, and helping them gain that confidence. My life is very different now from how it was then, and some commenter waggling their finger at me from afar has little impact.

That's the one! Judgey pacifist is judgey.

I'm glad you have all the answers and everything has worked out so well for you. Really, I am. I've tried the walking away thing before. I've called the bouncer over. I've had friends stand up for me. But at a certain point, itt feels really good to take matters into your own hands. To make someone feel as

Ohhhhhh no no no. No no, no no no no no.

Yup! Or when you say, "touch me one more fucking time and I'll punch you" and they DO.

Thanks! You're not so awful after all. :)