
My mom taught me how to land a punch. That's really all. That, and a lot of pent-up rage. The second guy didn't touch me, but after he yelled at me and started coming at me, it was almost reactionary to punch him, fight-or-flight kicked in and I went with fight, then flight.

I understand your sentiment, but I'm also 5'2" and in no way physically domineering. I'm also definitely not of the mindset that women should go out and beat up men, but in these two circumstances, I'd said no, I'd shown no interest at all, and frankly I panicked.

Thanks! You are too. :)

I accept your disconnected arm as proof of your love for me. *curtsy*


Oh, for sure. There's an "author" (I use the term loosely) who treats it as his personal essay forum. You're supposed to assume all stories are true, and if that's the case, this guy lives in a fucking horror movie 24/7 with his wife and girlfriend, and is on the hunt for the 15 year old babysitter he called a slut

Mmmhmm. So, I'm being cornered and harassed, and I should just walk away. Because that works out so well. Have you not been paying attention to all the stories in which women tried to walk away, and were beaten or even killed for it? Oh, and fuck you for insinuating I started it.

Haha, thanks!

It was obviously top shelf. What an ungrateful bitch I am!

Jesus, have some respect, dude! Even the toe-licker at my college went on a brief hiatus on 9/11.

He couldn't help himself. Don't you know there's nothing sexier than a woman in tears?

Right? How is him getting someone pregnant and then throwing a tantrum supposed to wet my nethers? Was it supposed to be a nod to his sperm's prowess? WTF?

For the record, I don't punch until I feel like they're coming on way too strong and they've ignored previous "no's." But yeah, punching is effective.

During one of my first forays into the bar scene, a random guy wandered over to the table I was sitting at while my friends played pool. He didn't say anything, just leaned on the table and pulled out his phone with a severely cracked screen.

Noooo, I'm anti-Semitic. There's a difference.

As much as it pains me, he's right.

Trader Joe's refers to it as Thai lime, which seems much more descriptive and way less offensive. Unless, like me, you're offended by people pronouncing it "thigh." It's offensive in that you have to be obtuse to not get the pronunciation right, it isn't that fucking hard, and the waitress just fucking said the

Hell yes, they do.

Mmmm, international foods.
