
Never heard of them, are they regional?

You sound like the douche here, not her.

Hmm, suspiciously similar to the breastfeeding and gay PDA arguments.

I can already feel it cleaving my buttcheeks in twain.

My love for you will never die, Jewish Kenny Rogers.

Everyone has a vice. Mine is gambling with my gut.

I'm not Jewish, but I definitely laughed.

Yeah, I thought about that...

I don't know why there would be such an outrage over this. I purposely buy Hebrew National because I love me some Jew-dogs. The Kosherer, the betterer.

You sure about that? I'd love to see some statistics on it. Most guys I know have a hard time buying tampons, why would Plan B be any easier for them to buy?

Yyyyyeah, except those things aren't available by prescription only, and don't cost over a hundred bucks a month. If you're spending more than $100 on toilet paper a month, you've got bigger problems.

FIRE AND (menstrual) BLOOD

Porn videos featuring young straight men who have gay sex for money.

Beebz always looks like he's starring in a young trade video and is getting a daddy dong up his pooper for the first time. Not that I'd know what that looks like...

Nice! I like it!

You're right. Peace has never been the result of war. Except all throughout history. And if you think I'm a horrible person, try reading up on Jonathan Swift.

Ladies and gentlemen, if anyone ever wondered what the "voice of privilege" sounds like, here is a shining example.

I really see literacy as an essential right of every human being - like clean air and water, a roof over our heads, the right to worship in any form or fashion we choose.


Oooh, there's nothing less sexy than bad sciencing. :(