"Fuck off, thickebag. I DO NOT WANT IT, and if you come any closer, you're getting a stiletto in the eye." Like that?
"Fuck off, thickebag. I DO NOT WANT IT, and if you come any closer, you're getting a stiletto in the eye." Like that?
Yes, it is, more or less, in jest. But read what you wrote and swap the genders. Most men have women they love, but that doesn't stop all of them from hurting other women. You're right, we do need to be seen as a monolith, a force to be reckoned with. Maybe then they'll back up off us.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It sickens me that girls are brought up to be pacifists—we should, at the very least, be taught to land a punch in the name of self-defense.
Maple syrup, butter, and pure badassery. :D
You are the most fantastically strange person...
Didn't Jane Austen die from bovine tuberculosis, which you get from drinking raw milk?
I like your style.
Shit yeah, let's get this party started!
It came up later in the thread, but yes, revenge porn.
What I don't see on the list: donuts, ramen, hot dogs, mac and cheese. Cool, I'm good then. Carry on.
You're a real dick about strategy, aren't you?
It's classic gaslighting— they antagonize us until we snap, and when we finally do they point fingers and say, "I told you she was crazy."
Our Lady, Carry Nation, patron saint of no fucks given.
Isn't it, though? People just NEED to have an enemy, and it just so happens that it's our turn. It truly sucks, and we have to be the ones to change it, evidently.
Sounds like you didn't read it either. Oh, and have no real grasp of science.
Okay, so if you smash an aspirin and use it for an acne treatment, it's no longer a pain medicine, right? It just completely ceases to be one thing, and becomes a completely separate thing, because things can't have two uses, right?
The Seahorsinator!
Ooh, burn!