I like where your mind is.
I like where your mind is.
Not until we whores get our 'bortion pills!
But if more of us do it, then we'll have a movement, and people will stand behind our right to bear arms and they'll give us a pass because we're "mentally ill."
Also, we're not "killing children" by taking birth control, we're PREVENTING them. Learn some fucking science, genius.
I'd love to not pay for your Viagra, your prostate medication, your blood pressure medication, your testosterone treatments, et cetera, but I FUCKING DO, so man the fuck up and find something worthwhile to complain about. You'll find no sympathy here.
As soon as we're ready. Personally, my tampon-topped Molotov cocktails are ready to fly.
YES, exactly.
So, we're babies because we want equal rights? Guess what darlin', you're first.
I think it's only logical to use their weapons against them. :)
Big surprise. HUGE.
It's the cry of desperation. I feel it too, and it scares me that it could become a necessary course of action.
Arya is our house sigil, for SURE.
That's a huge compliment, actually.
I already have a problem with neighbors looking in my windows, especially the little old ladies who MUST GARDEN DIRECTLY UNDER MY WINDOWS. If they can't stop me from parading my fat naked ass around my apartment, drones certainly won't. You won't stop looking in my windows? ENJOY THE SHOW, BITCHES.
You'd think. However, my husband is a feminist and we haven't had sex in a while, so apparently I haven't taken things far enough...
<3 u, boo.
Someone has to pay for our equality. Might as well be the black kids! Since we're murderers anyway for aborting fetuses, aborting a black fetus is like a triple whammy. Where the black men at??
With a side of Blazing Saddles:
I think we start with some low-level stalking and sexual harassment. After the high-fiving stops and they start complaining about how creepy it is, we kick it up a notch—peeping, leaving vaguely threatening messages on their Facebook page, etc. When we've got them good and scared we start threatening their families,…