

Can't afford toilet paper? Don't poop!

"...mouth-breathing god freaks who believe it's their right to take away the rights of others."

I sometimes feel like women won't be taken seriously as actual human beings until we start getting really violent and nasty. In the short-term, we'll be seen as "unstable bitches." But if we start inflicting the kind of terror on these men that they inflict on us, maybe they'll start seeing us equals. Ladies, let's

We should it the "Barf Your Ground" Law. It's the most valid defense there ever was.

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and body-snark/looks-snark or whatever here and say, What meaningful contribution could this guy make to dating when he's got so very little to offer?

Wyoming's answer to Taco Bell that, much like a prairie fire or herpes, has spread throughout the Midwest.

WHOA WHOA WOAH, woah— Potato Oles are the one redeeming menu item at Taco John's!

Hmm. Well, congratulations on being self-aware. You're still rude.

Wow, that was really rude.

It could turn into a real shit show, otherwise.

You'd think the FDA would be flush with research on the (fecal) matter. Maybe it's good that people are putting the squeeze on them. They're really going to have to bear down. This could turn into an entire movement if they're not careful.

She's who I'd want to party with. Bugles? Pass that shit over here.

Eh, we're all assholes at that age. Of course, I was one of those girls with OH so many choices (read: zero), and ended up settling for the first guy who paid me any attention. Then I grew up, asked a guy out, eventually asked him to marry me, and here we are.

You, sir, are a most excellent human being. I hope more boys grow up to be like you.

I kind of think we should.

Wait, so I can't get an abortion unless I'm already pregnant?? What the fuck! Why didn't anybody tell me? I was just going to do it because it seemed cool and controversial. Sigh, I guess I'll just get one of those prostate exams all my guy friends are getting. Don't tell me I can't have one of those, either...

I don't know, my fun-sized obligate carnivore does like Cheetos cheese and ranch dressing. I guess she's quasi-lacto-carnivorous?

Amen, this post left me feeling pretty squicky, tbh.

No matter what I say, you're going to be a contrarian twit, so, yeah. Because we're better than you.