
Because drugs pay on a more regular basis than modeling does?


Please take your sanctimonious bullshit somewhere else.

The next Pissing Contest needs to be tampon-related. My first tampon experience is a humdinger.

I didn't define them as such, you did. Hence the quotation marks.

Ha! I should try that trick.

Did you not read the part of the story in which the shooter had a felony and couldn't legally own a gun? THOSE are the "simply irresponsible" people.

Good call. Next time I'll leave my mustache unwaxed before I head to the DMV, see what they say then. :)

My driver's license lists my weight at about 50 lbs off what it actually is. If I can lie like a very fat dog on my driver's license and the cops would still know who I am, why can't this kid show a little sparkle? Ridic.

I'm sorry. Stick to fruit- or pig-shaped marzipan. :)

WHOA WHOA WHOA, you shut your mouth about marzipan. Gum paste is the enemy, here!

Better to be a troll than a throbbing, infected anus.

more than just the passive role that women have played traditionally

You are the older relative on Facebook who ruins awesome statuses with shitty jokes. Congratulations.


Link went nowhere, but thanks for trying. I can do the Twitter, but I do lazy even better.

I'd really like to know what some of the suggestions were regarding Sia's dry cleaning revenge.
