
We can stay friends.

I felt this way too.

It also reinforces the prison-for-profit model. Ugh. Not good.

I know you're being facetious, but I'm still shaking my fist at you.

Not all elderly people get feces on their caretakers either, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Anybody in a caretaker situation runs the risk of having to clean up literal shit. Ever cleaned up a grapefruit-sized, iron-laden turd from an elderly gentleman's pants? Probably not, but that doesn't mean it

Not everyone who feels offended is entitled to an apology. This was her experience, and she's allowed to see it in any light she chooses.

Best work pants I ever had came from Talbots!

I sort of hope she holds onto that!

I thought it was the best episode so far. I kind of wish they'd led with it earlier on, actually.


That's why my hypothetical children are already on lockdown. No electronics, and no ice cream after dinner. EVER!!

I've lost any respect I might have had for Will and Jada. I know teens are already pretentious little gits, but theirs are just dumb as a box of rocks to boot.

You've already said that. Do you really think $7.25 an hour is creating equilibrium? What do you think is a fair and sustainable wage for people to survive on?

I hope it does!

Okay, so let's just not pay them anything, and cost of living will drop dramatically. Slavery FTW!

Noooo, I love YOU!

You really don't think $3 more an hour will make a difference? Assuming they work 40 hours a week, that's over $500 more per month and over $6000 more per year. I'm happy for you if that's just pocket change in your world, but for most of us that makes a huge difference.

Dammit, I love you.

Aww, it's cute that you believe the multi-millionaire CEOs' excuses for not paying their workers a fair wage.

Are the two mutually exclusive?