
I was mentioned by name in a suicide note by a boy I'd turned down. While I feel badly for his death, I do not, cannot and WILL NOT take blame for his actions because I refused to date him. I am so sick of this idea that men are owed a date/kiss/blowjob/anything just because they want it. Nobody owes anybody

Very cool, thanks!

I hope your pipes burst and a sea of period shits falls upon your head.

Shut the fuck up.

I wouldn't dream of depriving my fans, of course I will!

I might need to make my mission in life buying the tackiest souvenirs from memorial sie gift shops. That'll be money, and time, well spent.

I did, but got too long.

It's not just current culture, it's been this way for hundreds of years. We've always been the prize to men for simply existing.

I'm type 1 diabetic, and apparently a lot of us have skin issues as well. I've never really gotten a better explanation of the mechanics of it, other than I just have to live with it.

Little teeny baby yogurts!

Good idea, thank you! I've got raw honey I can use up before I hit the farmers market to buy more. Yay!

Yeah, it was $10 at TJ's, hence my trepidation in buying it. :)

Our local Trader Joe's now has manuka honey, which I'm considering trying. Have you tried it before? It's supposed to be THE BEST honey because the bees feed on tea tree blossoms, so you get the benefits of tea tree, but hopefully not the smell.

Super frowny face! I'm so sorry you're having to go through that.

True that. I get cysts and ingrown hairs downstairs no matter what I do. Shave, don't shave, wax, don't wax... It's been happening since I was a pre-teen, so it has nothing to do with my sex life, either. Just UGH.

I'll look for you there! :)

Serious. We need more of him in our lives.

On behalf of Minnesota, I'd like to invite you to the State Fair this summer. Not even joking, lets go get some damn lamb balls.

I miss this guy. I'm fairly certain I'm his only fan in the world. :(