Pretty much, yeah. Apparently they named him after a boxer? His little brother also has a weird middle name, but I can't remember it right now.
Pretty much, yeah. Apparently they named him after a boxer? His little brother also has a weird middle name, but I can't remember it right now.
Oh, that is unfortunate. I also have a nephew whose middle name is "Outlaw." Not even kidding.
Sure, but a cursory internet search would also reveal Lil Bub's sex, also.
Haha, so true. Gotta watch out for those virgin births, they'll getcha!
Because BOYS buy condoms, which means they're having sex, which makes them studs. Girls get EMERGENCY cotraception, which means they were emotional and didn't plan ahead and got caught up in the moment, which makes them sluts.
Take me, for example. I used a condom with spermicidal lubricant, then took Plan B, and STILL…
Kamdyn. (Inwardly screaming)
Amen. Anybody who tries to buy clothes for me believes I should look like a 60 year old virgin. I am not 60, and decidedly NOT a virgin (not that there's anything wrong with that). I'm pretty sure there's not that much wrong with how I currently dress, but chenille sweaters, mom jeans, pastel track suits, and…
It's okay, I totally read it that way and loved it. Ze Germans!
Jesus, that is terrible. So, since she has kids already, she should be forced to be a baby-making machine, or just not ever have sex again. That seems fair!
Denial: America's Preferred Method of Dealing With Sexuality!
That is mean.
I would love to see what that asterisk is about, because it can't possibly dig you any further into the hole you're in.
You are right to run cold water on it. You need to immediately lower the temperature of the site to stop the "cooking." Once it's back to normal temp, and provided the skin isn't broken, you can put some aloe on there. A COLD bag of green tea, as in it's been soaked in cold water, would feel good and help with the…
NO!! Absolutely not!! Apply cold water to a burn, as cold as you can stand it. A burn cooks the skin and layers beneath, so you need to STOP the reaction as soon as possible. Putting butter on a burn might feel good at first, but all you're doing is basting the flesh, which is great if you're going to eat it, but does…
The slutshaming in Pin #1 set off the gag reflex right away, but the "your virtues make you beautiful" song sealed the deal.
You and I are friends now and there is nothing you can do about it.
You've heard that expression, right? "I just threw up in my mouth a little;" it's meant to convey disgust, not necessarily literal vomiting. I'm sorry, I thought you'd know I was joking!
Okay, so it's not bad enough you make me throw up in my mouth once, you had to make urp it up over and over again until it turned into a full-on chunk-blowing barffest. WHY DO YOU HATE MY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM?? I will never be able to rid my mouth of this foul taste. There isn't mouthwash minty enough...