
Hahaha! Umm, sorry?

There's nothing wrong with Pinterest itself. There a number of Fundie-types that use it, but there's a lot more to it than just wedding planning and virginity-preserving measures.

We did that! It wasn't all that expensive, actually. We screwed together two pieces of 2x4x4 and attached it to a flat, round base. The worst part was wrapping the sisal. That shit hurts! The hubs didn't think Boy Cat would like it, but he took to it right away, so SUCCESS!

Are you familiar with white Southern culture? That's a HUGE issue I have with the way women in the south are treated, and I say this as someone with a lot of family in the south. The girls are spoiled by their dads, but the wives are treated like shit. As the girls get older, their mothers get jealous of the attention

I like the cut of your jib, sailor.

Ew, that is not okay. WTF makes these people think jokes like that are still funny?

Eh, 2 out of 3, and it never gets me anywhere. :(

Haha, awesome. Can you reply with gifs on Pinterest? Welp, looks like I have something new to try while I'm drunk-pinning tonight.

Yech. Can you forcibly make someone unfollow you on Pinterest? Because that would be amazing. You could even call it "blocking." I'm a genius!

OH. MY. GROSS. That is horrifying.

The feeling is mutual.

We did it this way, too. My problem is with the verbiage, "to remind her that she will always be HIS little Princess first." The capitalized "HIS" is what gets me.

Because I do think it's gross.

I think I love you.

First, why are you in the grays? You definitely shouldn't be!

I commented on one of those. Something to the effect of "Oh great, a new way to let your impressionable daughter know she's a piece of property! She "belongs" to her father until he decides to let someone pork her? Great way to let a young woman know her worth!"

We have a plant that our cats use as dental floss. They don't really chew it, but they make chewing noises and they pull the leaves through their mouths. It's the weirdest damn thing.

Yes! My 16 lb. Monster Boy is now afraid of cat trees, climbers, etc., because they're just too weak and wobbly to support him. He's muscly and sleek, he looks just like a tiny panther.


If you use a turkey baster, maybe.