
I holy see what you did there.

Aww, thanks. I'm glad someone finally recognizes my talent.

Once she's made broth, it would be a bit easier to grind them up. Et voila, bone meal for your garden!

There were a couple of moments when I was pretty sure my husband was trying to off me (strange, clumsy things around the house that resulted in injury) but I explained how little he'd receive upon my death and he decided it was better to keep me alive. This cements it.

I am now afraid to do that, thank you.

I get all my medical and legal advice from TV shows, why wouldn't I listen to tax advice from someone on the internet? :)

Gotcha. No wonder it doesn't seem like it's having much effect, we don't make very much! :)

That would explain it. We're basically a one-income family anyway.


Been married for five years, have yet to see any benefits of marriage tax-wise. Am I missing something?

My family is exchanging white elephant gifts for Christmas this tear. On a shopping trip with my husband, we stopped at Goodwill to look for funny gifts. I picked up an opera singer figurine and knocked it's twin off the shelf. Trying to be a good citizen, I brought it to the register with our other items. The cashier

Haha, no doubt. I've fallen into that trap countless times.

Well you know, we all brought it on ourselves by ballooning up to 500 lbs eating fried chicken by the bucket, and riding around on our scooters. Every one of us deserves it.

Epileptics can drive, narcoleptics can drive, people with low blood pressure can drive, even raging alcoholics are allowed to drive. All of these people are also prone to passing out or losing consciousness while driving. It's a possibility, not a promise. You could have a stroke or a heart attack while driving.

There were a few more, but my Ipad hates me and kept deleting the information I was trying to cut and paste.

As much as I'd like to respect officers, they also terrify the shit out of me. They're drunk with power and protected by a system that couldn't give two shits whether you live or die.

I started my post stating that I am diabetic. What more should I have said? If I was jailed for a crime, I'd have to worry about getting insulin. If I passed out behind the wheel, they'd likely assume I'm drunk and same story, I'd have to worry about getting insulin (or sugar, at that point).

That's great. I had one of those and lost it, but I definitely should have something like that again. Thanks for reminding me that exists! :)

OMG, me too! Well, tbh I switched back to shots because I was allergic to the tape so every time I changed sets, I'd rip off skin and it wouldn't heal by the time I got back to that area. Then I wound up with a massive skin infection in my lower left quadrant of my abdomen, and that pretty much sealed the deal. $5k

I was just going to say that! That show was fucked up. Which is why I liked it. Screw the love triangles, I watched for the medical anomalies!