
Yep. I mentioned in another thread that I test a minimum of five times a day. I always know approximately where my blood sugar is sitting. What kind of luck have you had with the CGM? I'm afraid it would make me check it compulsively.

For you, Rocza, I will. :) I started looking on MedicAlert and Etsy last night. I also have a friend who does chain maille custom work, so I just need to pick a direction and go.

Hello, my fellow insulin addict! :)

Same to you! And I hope you find a better doctor. There are some good ones out there.

Thanks. My husband is pre-diabetic, so I saw a lot of signs in him that I see in myself with a low blood sugar. It helps to have people around paying attention to us.

Under what circumstances is it okay to kick a suspect in the head, huh?

Hey, I get it. I've had diabetes for 31 years, and I'm only 32. I now feel the need to tell people what type I have so I don't get the you-brought-this-on-yourself judgey face, and even then it still happens.

Come back yo me with some hard evidence on how many traffic deaths were caused by diabetics versus drunk drivers last year. Bottom line, if we have to be that conscious about my ability to drive without passing out, so should everyone else. I have to get a signed letter from my doc every year telling the DMV I can

I said it's less common.

Keep doing it. We may act annoyed, but we need people like you in our lives. Chronic illness can be very lonely, and sometimes it just helps to know someone cares.

Not to nitpick, but he kind I have, Type 1, is more commonly diagnosed in younger people. That's not to say it can't happen "later in life" or that lows don't happen to Type 2's, but it's less common.
But yeah, if you know how hypoglycemia feels, you basically live in fear of it if you know it could be around the

It can be very easy to confuse the two. The difference is, you won't smell alcohol on us, aka red flag #1, and we will be pale as the moonlight. Hell, having a low blood sugar can sometimes feel like being drunk. But that doesn't mean we deserve to be beaten and kicked for noncompliance. It's not what should do to a

I'm glad you never posted the pics, but that alone doesn't really make you a stand-up guy. We all have shitty exes. I spent thousands on mine, was with him for five years while he kept promising marriage until I woke up to him molesting me. I wanted to cut his dick off, but I didn't. Does that mean I deserve some

Incapable of moving? He's resisting, let's beat him!!

Sounds about right.

"He's diabetic... He's probably in shock." Yeah, good thing the cop kicked him in the head for resisting! That definitely helped.

You're right, it is an internet comment board. Which means maybe he/she shouldn't make blanket statements on topics he/she knows nothing about. Pretty simple rule of the internet, and also one of the things that makes a troll a troll.

Exactly. I do hope people understand incidents like this are the exception and not the rule.