RIP Russia-US Joint Cyber Security Unit, July 9, 2017-July 9, 2017.
RIP Russia-US Joint Cyber Security Unit, July 9, 2017-July 9, 2017.
I immediately yelled “BABBBBEEEEE COME HERE! I just saw the one thing that could convince me to get married!” He walked in, I handed him the iPad, he handed it back then walked out of the room
Lol. I thought he had the best stamina unlike Hillary that had none at all.
It’s fascinating how like all narcissists he projects his faults onto others.
And when he wore a tan suit. Man they were pissed about that.
A PPP poll had 48% of respondents in favor of impeachment earlier today - and that was before Trump gave Israeli secrets to Russia, and this memo dropped.
Except they’re so stupid and greedy, they’re going to screw themselves politically by not impeaching him.
Something something rich men something camels something needles.
I keep getting it confused with Frye, the boot company.
I’ve been using this lately. Cheap as hell, makes my lashes look pretty incredible, and the mascara by itself sans fibers is also pretty good. Legit replaced my $$ Dior mascara.
Seriously. I thought Bush was the world’s biggest dildo but now he seems downright adorable. WTF TURMP?????
This is gross. Surely demonizing scientists and research is the way to Make America Great Again (TM).
Anti life is better as they actually are actively anti life when it comes to healthcare, guns, poverty, war, refugees, etc. They hate human life
Last week, 66-year-old Timothy Caughman was stabbed to death by James Harris Jackson, a 28-year-old Baltimore native…
The thing is if Mcintosh had been a “minority student,” then I doubt Rick Perry would have taken time out of his precious schedule to attack Brooks.
Fruit salad. Fruit salad is top five.
This was my first thought, too. All he has to do is look forward a few generations and we’ll all be a nice, homogenized light brown. Wish I could be there to see it.
I’m still waiting for the Hot Pocket flavored Hot Pocket that is stuffed with Hot Pockets. I’ve been eating warm cheese for a year in order to train my body for such an event.
I’m just waiting for someone to yell, “You lie!”