
It’s like how the president ages more rapidly than normal because of all the stress/worry/responsibility, but we are the ones taking on that burden since he’s just bumbling along like an idiot without a care!! La dee da...I’m just gonna watch tv and tweet in ma bathrobe!!


You know what’s crazy? That was a line from Aaron Burr in Hamilton...but it totally works for Trump too! And, the more I think about it, Burr and Trump have some other things in common. In the musical, Burr says that line to one of the Schuyler sisters, and she is disgusted by him. Hey, women are constantly disgusted

They fell for the old...”I’m a trust fund baby you can trust me” line. Rookie mistake...

Him and his stupid wall that nobody wants! What a massive waste of money. He needs to be marching his dumb, orange ass up to Flint, MI and fixing their water problems...among many, MANY other issues that are infinitely more pressing!! He so desperately wants to spend money on infrastructure, that would be a great

I know, but we NEED Trump to go down in flames. Let that be a lesson to his base for electing an effing simpleton. He’s an insane, inflexible tyrant and they love him. They are as simple as he is ...probably would have adored King George!

Wow. For such a “terrible”, “not funny”, “really bad” show— he sure seems like a loyal viewer...

Have you ever heard of the “loaf of bread” analogy of parallel universes? The idea is that each universe is one slice, stacked side by side like a loaf of sandwich bread.

If you need to alternate with a little tranquility, I recommend any/all Chopin Nocturnes. It helped me today, anyway...

Assembling a care package for RBG now...large quantities of multivitamins, a treadmill, daily wheatgrass shots, yoga equipment etc....

You guys...I think I cracked this case wide open. What if siri heard BARBERRY BUSH??????

“I was just following Billy. Ok? I was following him. Nobody follows like me. Ok? That’s why I’m a great leader. Believe me.”

I was probably eight years old or so, when I went with my grandmother to visit one of her very good friends. She was a lovely, kind women. She lived in a cozy, tidy little house. As my grandmother visited with her friend, I wandered around and played by myself until they were done with there visit. I remember there

We are opposites. Mine was so big! Doc said, “let’s weigh it”! It was 3 pounds. Just the placenta...

I can’t stand to look at him, he just repulses me so much, so I decided to read the transcripts of the last debate, and it is going to be my preferred method from now on. You can really see, in black and white, the substance of their answers without being distracted by other things. You can clearly see his responses

Yes! Can you imagine if a tape was leaked that President Obama was heard saying what Trump said? They would be storming the Whitehouse with pitchforks as we speak!

My kids sorted the candidates into houses a while back. Some were obvious, like Bernie was a Hufflepuff, but they said Trump would be a squib which I find hilarious and fitting

I know. I can’t even bring myself to read his supporters’ responses. But I am curious as to how they will spin it.

I understand what you are saying, but I sincerely doubt the professional musicians she employs would balk at anything. I know the violinist she hired for the Monster tour is a virtuoso and went to Curtis Institute... which is about as prestigious as it gets.

What do you wanna bet these asshats are A-OK with denying goods/services to LGBT folks?? Discrimination against me=bad...discrimination against people not like me=perfectly fine!!!!!