My god, he’s fucking old. Hard to believe that these are the presidential ‘before’ shots, or imagine what a kind of withered blob he’s going to end up in 4 years.
My god, he’s fucking old. Hard to believe that these are the presidential ‘before’ shots, or imagine what a kind of withered blob he’s going to end up in 4 years.
I don’t think any “faithless elector” laws would prevent electors from flipping from Trump to Clinton. What will prevent them from doing it is fear for their lives. Someone who flipped their vote would probably need to make plans in advance to flee the country. Lynch mobs would not be out of the question.
I have heard quite a few people express the hope today that trump will become less abhorrent after the inauguration and he was just putting on an act to get elected. Is this bargaining stage of the five stages of grief?
To me that says your dad truly loves this country and is a smart man. Tell him I said “thank you”.
The bathroom after eating Haribo’s Sugar-free gummie bears
poetic justice would be her not even mentioning trump by name for the rest of her time in office.
I guess he hasn’t gotten the memo that one could use computers to review 650K emails in some sort of automated fashion.
I like candidates who weren’t rushed offstage, okay?
Oh omg this just reminded me so vividly of my own similar experience: I was in college, watching a movie with this guy I was sort of seeing. Not a lot of comfort between us, yet, is what I mean. Still in the hiding our farts phase. But I really liked him. He lived in an old house with a bunch of housemates but they…
Having seen the number of hours of strength training and practice ballerinas must go through to get properly “over” their toes, I can understand their irritation.
So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.
I’m an independent in 100% democrat this year. Fuck these clowns.
1) Bill Clinton is not running for president
Fair enough, acorn. I shall now compare his so-called appendage to a clump of old raisins that had been spilled behind a couch and fused together as they melted towards squishiness into a tiny ball mashed with lint and pet hair and carpet and other detritus and left to attract ants who will even themselves be repulsed…
It was second grade and we would get weekly progress reports that our parents had to sign every Friday and we would have to return them Monday. Every week I would get a smiley face for overall behavior and I was a little too proud of this. Until the week I was giggling at a joke during class my classmate told me in a…
Orange dirty old crocks in a White House????
“Peer pressure” LOLZ. It’s like that episode of Full House where Stephanie starts smoking . . . except it’s an AARP member bragging about sexual assault.