
By Chuck Tingle.

Pretty sure that’s an ebook on Amazon.

Tyrannosaurus Sex

White(ish) guy here! Russia is racist as fuck. Even though the word for “black” is “chernij” (pronounced CHORE-knee), the Russian word for a person of African descent is “neger,” pronounced “knee-EGG-er,” and pretty much indistinguishable from the N-word in many Russian accents.

This fucking thing should be dug up, restored and preserved as well as is possible, and put in the town square where the statue of Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, or some other “confederate hero” is honored.

Leia’s status as princess of Alderaan has nothing to do with her biological mother’s status as former queen of Naboo. Leia’s adopted mother Breha is Queen of Alderaan. Bail is Senator and Prince Consort. He handles Senate and Republic stuff. Breha handles the actual running of Alderaan. 

And that’s saying nothing of the creepy age difference between the two. I guarantee you they didn’t apply 1/2 age + 7 to that shit.

It’s good because I’ve been pining for the fjords.

I am a teacher (High school math, formerly English and History), and I cannot find this amusing. I remember being 9 and getting mad when a teacher was wrong. Germany isn’t landlocked Mrs. Hampton!

The fact that the teacher addressed this child as “King” like a peasant and summarily dismissive “OK” took me out.

Also the cameos.

Now playing

Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the release of Spice World!! Always wanted to be Posh, but I’m still Baby.

If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that nobody gives worse advice about “men”, than men. I have no idea why we’re like that. Now, we can pontificate on the subject for days on end and still not provide any useful information whatsoever. It’s fucking baffling.

I feel like this is an issue thats greatly exaserbated by the patriarchal bullshit of Christianity. Obviously men of all faiths are generally worthless but I feel like Christianity adds an extra layer of knuckle dragging to the equasion. Theres no other institution that goes to such great lengths to disguise sexist

nothing she said was factually wrong

Hijabs are still representative of one of the worst forms of patriarchy on a global scale. No amount of good lighting and Photoshop can change that.

Look at the dates of those tweets. Summer 2014:

It’s weird that Panera is bitching about other companies “hiding” ingredients, considering they’re the place that sells a grilled cheese without telling you there’s bacon on it.