

All those slogans sound like the design department was run by an insufferable bro who kept saying shit like

I think Mr. Mr. is a perfect pop song.

The excessive bathroom thing. I just can’t comprehend why it’s a thing. Who the hell designed these houses like this? I need them to tell me why.

“Daniels apparently was forced to watch “hours” of Shark Tank with Trump and also was required to spank him with a copy of Forbes, featuring Trump, Donald Jr., and Ivanka on the cover. “

and Ivanka on the cover.

was required to spank him with a copy of Forbes, featuring Trump, Donald Jr., and Ivanka on the cover.

I just got here and already

Yeeeeeeeep, I had the exact same response. Interrogating my own privilege and racism has led to some uncomfortable places (and God the poor POC who had to sometimes shove me there, I am sorry and you deserve a lot more than my apologies :-/), but it needs to be done by anyone who thinks to call themselves a feminist

I don’t trust most of the Women’s March participants to show up again. I don’t trust the resolve of their concern. I don’t trust that all voted for Hillary Clinton or recognized the unprecedented threat of Donald Trump. I don’t trust that they understood this was an election to do everything in our power to keep him

Suffering isn’t a competition

White feminism is Becky getting super pumped about discussing and analyzing the issues that oppress her, and then, when it comes time to critiquing and analyzing her own privilege, turning around and treating the rest of our concerns in the same entitled, dismissive manner that men treat feminism.

I’ve only recently just graduated and a large part of what you’re saying is definitely what I saw and experienced. I managed to live relatively comfortably on my loan and grant because I’m working-class and therefore got the max amount and was in a cheap area but I knew if I went extravagant one week then it’d mean

It’s a SUPER common name in India

You can be kicked from a sorority after you’ve left college? And if so, why would you care?

Yep. I started to clutch my pearls a bit at this sentence:

The Beckies are coming!

Just staaaahp with the babies named after products and corporations. Unless they’re actually giving you royalties, there’s no excuse for calling your kid Lexus Mercedes, Tiffany, Winchester, Louis Vuitton, or any Disney-inspired name (I’m looking at you, Princess Aurora).

Meghan was briefly a lifestyle blogger aiming hardcore to get a Food Network gig. If anything the apron was a surprisingly thoughtful gift for a state gift that actually reflects her interests.