
It’s so sad that Fox’s condition prevents him from doing so much acting work as he really is a fine one.

I don’t think she was joking. Two people asked me if he was real or a cardboard cutout, so it’s def open to interpretation.

Touched by the Traitor Tot!

motherfucker who do you think holds the majority in both houses of Congress and the motherfucking White House...?????????

Trump has made 2,001 false or misleading claims in 355 days...That’s an average of more than 5.6 claims a day.

If you have an account, go to the store by the checkout - they have kiosks that will print you out a temporary pass, you can use it the whole day for discounts. I always forget my card (as in i’ve never actually seen my card :) )

This breaks my heart but does not surprise me. I worked with an FGM survivor and activist who was cut at 15, and lived with chronic incontinence as a result, until she was 27. The temporary validation she got from family and her eventual husband lasted about 5 minutes before they ostracised her for her condition. She

That August, sitting on a beach in Connecticut with her parents, she made up her mind. “ ‘Guys, I think I’m going to start a blog,’ ” she told them. “ ‘It’s going to be about women and putting them and their narrative and their story at the forefront and giving them a voice and a platform and just really encouraging

Every time I see Versace mentioned...

Trying to spot the stupidest thing about this situation.

In some parallel universe we’re watching the trailer where Fred Trump Sr refused to pay a kidnapper’s ransom that resulted in the unfortunate death of his youngest son Donald.

Let’s all just celebrate the triumphant return of Brendan Fraser who I have missed dearly....

The French in general seem to have a shitty attitude towards sexual harassment and abuse just in general.

I wonder if part of this is about women who would rather believe they were seduced than assaulted. It’s often easier to act like you were a willing participant than accept the reality. And if you are a woman of a certain age, it had to be damn near impossible to escape predators.

please god tell me this is the end of everybody wanting to be like those mythological French Women that hack journalists write articles about, that never get fat and always dress better than us.

Anyone else noticing the trend that the women who are coming out to cry about how wrong #MeToo and other campaigns are all tend to be of a certain older age and higher social class?

It took me three viewings of the header image to realize that they hadn’t hired Holly Madison to play Donatella...I was both amused and confused regarding that casting decision. I was a little let down when I realized it was Penelope.

“This is my regret face.”

Imagine no more!

Ivanka’s doing that trick where if you think your neck’s wrinkly and you’re being photographed head on, you stick your neck up and forward and it smooths out your neck (to the camera). Looks weird from the side, though. Try it at your next family reunion (but smile, okay?) This trick won’t work forever for anyone.