

It took Kylo Ren for me to get over the asshole-ness of his character on Girls. Like yes everyone is terrible in the show but his character reminded me of my emotionally abusive ex, even the fact that he tries to get Hannah to like running. My fucking ex tried to get me into running and I tried so hard.


*Snort* I just introduced my Kylo Ren obsessed friend to “Girls.” Apparently she’s been living under a rock and is all like “OMG Adam Driver” but had no fucking clue about “Girls.”

Of course it’s fictional. Donatella has never looked as hydrated as she does here.

I’d wager Beckham still doesn’t know who she is.

Since she is the queen of making up entire stories about people who don’t even know who she is, I’m betting he didn’t need to do anything to get her going.

Who’s got that ‘Sure, Jan’ gif?

Yea I get that vibe too. Also, please dear god, don’t bring the office back.

Interesting to see that Emilia Clarke, who was all #timesup on Instagram yesterday has no problem attending a Sean Penn event. Am I expecting too much from people here? Does it matter that it’s for a good cause? Ugh.

Can’t tell if joking...

So who gets to keep Taylor Swift?

Well I’d say the guy’s better off without her if that’s the sort of weird drama game shite she’s going to pull.

“I’m not mad, I’m actually laughing”

odell beckham is available

When you’ve been dating 5 years and marriage is really important to you then walk away when that ring don’t come. Or you don’t have the balls to propose yourself. Especially, if you’re the feminist you claim to be. When you’re publicly begging your man for a ring, you’re DONE and it’s hard to respect the

Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff are apparently done.

Even so it’s still going to be the must see event of the year, outside an earlier than expected Impeachment.

I have to say it: