
For fuck’s sake, the guy was even on the same Colbert episode as America Ferrera last week when she talked about this shit (which is how I heard of both the campaign and . . . well, of him).

Counterpoint: this country has a history of violence towards African Americans and you need to be sensistive to such realities. Sorry if in your white bubble something as racist as calling a black child a monkey is okay to you

Oh, honey.

“James Franco got too much time for my taste” is a fantastic way to describe that man in general, let alone his career.

Funny how the students had to discover it. Background checks, what’s the point right?

So who WON’T wear black?

Why not both *Meme*

“Get in my car, roll down the windows, drive around the city and throw couscous at white people jogging.”

Therefore racism doesn’t exist, hooray

Dear Single and Sexless,
Get on Bumble. Take some sexy selfies and be pretty forward in your flirting with dudes. Go on a first date to ensure he is not a serial killer, send some flirtatious text messages and some sexy selfies before a second date,(DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR FACE and I also do not recommend showing nip,

You are so right. The mom had no reason to share the texts from Morgan.

To the post-grad living at home: Maybe I misunderstood, but it seems like your parents are playing you and Morgan off each other (you reading texts on Mom’s phone - I assume with her permission?). Or, at the least, your parents should be firmly and resolutely stopping your sister from hurling about all of these false

I don’t like how he can look 2 people across a room, both in the eye. How do you have 2 lazy eyes? Why are squarish?

Now playing

Simply Nailogical (YouTube person) actually looked into this and tried to recreate it. She had several of her fans go and get one of these, snag some of the glitter, and then send her either the samples or photos of the samples.

“And then kill whitey.”

We stopped meeting in person because we just couldn’t find a venue that didn’t have white-ass wall paint.

This company is claiming that the glitter is made from crystal sugar and edible food coloring. Lies. Sugar dissolves. It wouldn’t just float on top of a hot drink. In reality, the glitters are probably plastic, and you really shouldn’t drink them.

To me he looks like he comes from the David “Call Me Dave” Cameron school of fucking a pig’s head.

When Tucker Carlson starts talking reckless about you...that means you doing something right.

“Giuseppe Crow Laws” kilt me fxcking dead. L M F A O.