
I wanted to try Irn Bru during my last trip to Scotland but when I asked the waitress about how it was, she confessed she’d never had it and had never heard good things about it. I’ll just assume I dodged a bullet there.

Thank you for this wonderfully written (and very important) reminder that often, just surviving is one of the most radical things a woman can do, and often requires more bravery and strength than anyone else may ever recognize. It seems to be one of the most easily forgotten/rarely acknowledged/hardly known in the

We’ve failed if we don’t have a career, spouse, kids, house, etc. I’m not sure why we keep adding extra burdens to women with each generation.

Ignoring the cease and desist, Henry Holt announced that they will publish Wolff’s book four days early.

Yes, yes...there’s nothing as “beautiful” as (presumably) a widow and her now-fatherless baby in a cemetery.

I’m torn. On the one hand, I was raised to believe that access to great art should be free because,theoretically,it expands our education and appreciation of it, but, since people happily pay over a hundred dollars to go see some pop star or buy the latest video game, why is it wrong to charge them for access to art

You’re completely correct. How long before rich people start having unnecesary dialysis?

It is generally frowned upon to use the words “Dow” and “crashes” in the same sentence, unless one is looking to foment panic.

Now, I love me a sweet potato. Don’t get me wrong.

I’m making a shepherd’s pie this weekend with a sweet potato crust instead of normal potatoes. Timely post, Madeleine.

This is actually part of why The Met is fucked in the position it’s in. A lot of donors stipulate where their money goes and quite often it’s to something glamorous and beautiful that lets posh folks show off rather than to basic maintenance, so their budget is apparently a mess.

Came here for doge jokes. I am satisfied.

Wow! Very heist! Much impressed! Wow!

I’m Generation X, and I agree with you that Millennial women are expected to be “extraordinary.” It’s basically another step beyond “having it all,” which is the unrealistic expectation for women of my generation. We’ve failed if we don’t have a career, spouse, kids, house, etc. I’m not sure why we keep adding extra

Excellent article.

“...that slogan from the mug has taken on meaning that its author didn’t quite intend when she said it. Ulrich didn’t mean, exactly, to cheerlead women into exceptional acts of bravery, activism, or creativity. Instead, its purpose is somewhat simpler: to recognize the fact of ordinary women’s existence, the idea

“an actual member of the Black Panther Party who’s just really good at karate.”

Considering the amount of sodium involved and the caloric content, sufficient quantities of ramen broth may actually be *literally* heart stopping.

Literally now literally means not literally.