
This year has been hell.

Omg my lady parts were so confused by Ben the rapist in atonement

I agree with you RE: Peter Guillam. But as the creepy dude in Atonement...yeesh. I can’t even look at an image of him in that without feeling ill.

Ah, okay, then! ;-)

See I think Cumberbum’s face is actually on the attractive side of interesting. Driver’s face is just...interesting. And not in a good way (for me personally, YMMV.)

The reason he looks good as Sherlock is that the costumers have balanced his super-long face and gangly body with a big unruly mop of hair and clothes that move and increase his volume. In The Imitation Game, not so much.

I can remember the first time I got self-conscious about my weight. I was six or seven. I was in dance class. I was taking jazz. We were dancing to Zippity Do Da and had costumes that showed our midriff. The mothers started making comments about our cookie tummies and cutting down before the big recital. It was like

There’s something about his ears, his nose, his lips... somehow I’m certain that he has a huge cock.

This decade has been a boon for slightly off looking male celebrities. Cumberbatch, Hiddleston, Redmayne now Driver.

Now playing

Don’t forget about Peaches! Super girly and delicate.

I would watch a live feed of this editor working in real time. Seriously.

My disdain for everything Bono goes so deep, I wouldn’t even work pro bono.

I think Bono’s problem is he has kept trying to make music past 1987.

unpopular take: I think he meant music has gotten “girly” even from male musicians. “Girly” in this case meaning “having a soft, compassionate quality” vs. “made by women.”

I’ll need to make a new one for Bono looks like

Please take Matt Damon with you.

Also, sometimes I think about the fact that I have the unasked for U2 album on my phone and it still pisses me off to this day.

The Bob Dylan interview in 1987 that broke my freshman heart, and every last shred of respect for him. NB, he adulates U2 three lines later in the interview. Bold mine.

hip-hop is the only place for young male anger at the moment

Dear Bono: Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.