
Not to mention tampons, moon cups, pads etc.

Those mismatched tutus are bothering me more than they probably should.


Excellent piece!

Trump added that Moore was better than Democrat Doug Jones who is “bad on crime,

Thank you for the education, my friend. I Googled around and only got info about Jamestown devolving into cannibalism.

He’s apparently amazing at purchasing and eating KFC.

because native Americans were sick of the Pilgrims raiding graves for food

Australia is definitely racist as fuck, I completely agree with you. I’m not at all proud of our lack of formal constitutional recognition of our First Nations people and our human rights violations. We also have issues with some other things you may not have heard about:

A spider is easier to subdue and dispose of than a racist killer policeman, at least.

We’re over here giving you all side-eye because while our animals might be dangerous, we seem to have less innocent people being killed en masse by other people. The whole Justine Damond thing, plus all of the young men of colour being murdered put a lot of us off visiting the US.

Boston’s local tradition was for the North and South end to each make a giant effigy of the pope, light it on fire, and then run at the other pope effigy with it at full speed in a deranged game of antipapist sumo

Brilliant piece, you did good, babe <3

TLDR; IMO Opera is for the rich white aristocrat men who commissioned it.

Here’s an itemised list of my feelings in response to this:

I think the expectation that well-known performers be role models has something to do with this pervasive sense of entitlement some people have where they think that if they buy the music or the concert tickets or merch, then they ‘own’ a stake in the celebrity. Then, the celebrity must then be universally palatable

I’ll let everyone else question whether non-consensual hair touching actually happens and declare my love for the perfect expression on the game character’s face. I never thought I could admire an illustration this much. The game designers are legit geniuses for managing to portray such an epic level of “bitch please”.

I never got suspended at school because I was generally a pretty ‘good’ kid, but I twice had after school detentions for being caught swearing and on both occasions, the supervising teachers had me grade assignments, including my older sister’s class work. I like to think this is why I am an asshole adult who still

In a way, I feel bad for kids who are fans of hers and who cannot afford to buy her merch and be part of her monetary success. But at the same time, I am bitter that an excellent opportunity to remind the youths that participation in pointless consumerism is optional has been wasted.

The coats were donated to an animal sanctuary - apparently they use them to nest orphaned baby wombats, so that’s not too bad.