
That’s the price we pay for ethical considerations - a friend disposed of her grandmother’s prized vintage fur coats when she inherited them because they were still fur; even if they were old and there was sentimental attachment to motivate her to keep and maybe wear them.

I don’t see why someone should be rewarded through state paid for transition surgery, for breaking the law.

you can enjoy someone’s art while acknowledging they’re awful. If we couldn’t, we wouldn’t have any media ever.

Sorry, but Penguins are insipid thin things with pointless packaging and are not even as good as the mediocre Tim Tam. The chocolate coating tastes like cheap ass.

Yay, I’m from the Inner Norf and I am insufferable about how superior our food and general milieu is, esp. compared to Sydney.

I can confidently say that I am a sexier man than Blake Shelton and I am not a man, nor am I objectively sexy (unless you like random interjections of pointless trivia and reminders that live is inherently pointless).

I think picking Blake Shelton as the sexiest man alive is the equivalent of giving free choice or huffily reminding everyone that sexy is subjective. Realistically, they could have put the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoji on the cover and made the headline “U NEVER LIKE WHO WE PICK ANYWAY”

I hope you got a slice with lots of cream and fruit!

Luckily Australia is full of enough people from New Zealand now that if you can befriend them and keep them onside long enough by not mocking their “jandals” and vowel space when pronouncing numbers (hard when you work in finance), you can get anything from New Zealand that you want without the hassle of having to go

Opinions on delicious pink lamingtons? I for one do not have time to be dipping bits of cake in jelly crystals, but the end result gives me life.

LOLing because I am a larger lady with a propensity for wearing purple who likes to refer to herself as Grimace!

You can have thicker layers of Vegemite if you’re also using cheese, tomato or avocado - something blandish with a soft mouthfeel.

Agree to the actual butter (lots of it, too!), but McVitties Milk Chocolate Digestives are infinitely better than Tim Tams. Even Arnott’s Crowns are better than Tim Tams.

It’s all the same sort of fare you’d find at Australian celebrations!

The last ‘standard’ Australian federal election? Or the double dissolution election of 2016? The latter apparently had a turn out of 91% and Wikipedia says 2013 was 93.23%.

Supposedly Miley Cyrus either likes it or has some sort of in-joke with her Hemsworth about it because she supposedly has a Vegemite tattoo.

Controversial opinion here, but Tim Tams aren’t even that good. And yes, I include the double coat and special limited edition flavour ones.

If I’m singing along to something with the n-word in, I either just don’t say/whisper/mouth/wink it and let silence prevail or, if desperate not to throw off the beat, use the alternative sanctioned by Lord GMCFOSHO: “wigga”. I am happy to accept that, as chocolate is not for dogs, the n-word is not for white people.

Maybe the absence of Filipino content is the convincing element; like, maybe Ja Du is watching How The Aliens of The Pleistocene Built The Mayan Pyramids and thinking how everything would be improved with a segment about the colonial history of the Philippines and musical interludes of Celine Dion covers performed by

Brett Talley, a 36-year-old lawyer, has been nominated by the Trump administration to a lifetime position as a federal judge