Thank you for more information - it helps to have an informed perspective!
Thank you for more information - it helps to have an informed perspective!
I assess death claims for a living and THANK GOD that my employer doesn’t get involved in deciding who is eligible to received benefits.
Anyone who participated in the preparation or distribution of this poster deserves to be trampled to death by a Pride march.
I can’t believe they couldn’t spare a production assistant even just 30 min to Google donation options and give at least one a quick call or email.
I’d probably settle for the ability to tell catcallers to shut their damn mouths, accompanied by a solid backhand, without penalty.
I was thinking Outlander sort of qualifies, in the sense that we have plenty of other reasons to hate Black Jack aside from his having raped Jamie, and Jamie’s subsequent struggles to recover from PTSD would still have been emotional and valuable to the plot if he had suffered from physical trauma only. I am fairly…
I read somewhere that that is her signature “sexy pout” and I did a literal spit take. I feel like it was in that oral history of Gossip Girl that came out recently, but anyway, I interpret that expression as more that her tongue is too big for her mouth or something.
I was expecting a joke about foul predators who belong to the church who groom children, TBH. Some of them tell their victims they do it in God’s name, afterall.
Over the last 20 years Webber has served vitally well by turning up to only 2% of votes
So, it’s a hoax, but the ‘activity’ is just what a douchebag teen would do: kick over warning signs, rifle through someone else’s locker and drop papers all over the floor, slam open doors etc.
I LOVED seeing him fighting for his partner. He went up about 500 million points in my estimation of him as a result.
Thank you for being so kind to a stranger! It’s really lovely of you to leave such a friendly response <3
Excellent remarks! We definitely have to live up to the responsibility of educating ourselves and future generations.
I comment on this as an outsider (e.g. a non-American) and it seems to me that this level of intensive financial literacy would never be facilitated via public funding because Americans (a gross generalization) seem to either prize their Capitalist social system the same way others prize religion, or just accept it as…
Just because.
10. Fingering