Good fucking lord that username
Good fucking lord that username
Man...maybe don’t google stuff like that. Pretty sure you get put on a list
In totally shocking news: Huge Corporation Cancels New Idea in Favor of A Bunch of Shitty Sequels
o7 Vesemir
No, he’s pretty stupid. If he had just invested the “small” million dollar loan he was given instead of doing whatever exploitative shit he did, he’d be richer than he is now
“the one time you think you can enjoy yourself, there are people out there STILL trying to control your actions from up the Coast.”
Holy shit shut the fuck up
Whoops! You seem to have made an ignorant comment on a Concourse article. I’m wondering if you were just incapable of scrolling past the headline? But damn, that’s a bigass dumb comment, so
You’ve gotta be a troll
Fuck duke. Forever. FFS.
Oh my god fuck Duke.
This sounds like the diplomatic equivalent of a windowless “Free Candy” van
Yep, sounds like Nier.
What the fuck is wrong with you
So get over your left wing radical zero tolerance mindset and accept that men should marry women and vise versa.
“Slack dong”
Ohhhhhhh yes that’s the stuff right there
You’re such a shitty lazy troll it’s fucking painful. Christ.
Jesus I haven’t seen this in a decade
This is like telling me a desktop icon is gay. It changes nothing, do your job and push the goddamn cart, and dat ass is still dat ass.