
Attack of the Clones? Fucking what? I legitimately don’t remember a goddamn thing from that movie, and I’ve watched it like 5 times

My Supra. My mother had no idea what she was buying for her 16 year old son, but I’m pretty sure my father did and just wanted to see if it would last a month.

Every other morning show features Katie calling from her middle school cafeteria waiting for the 1st period bell

FF14 1.0 was the devs saying “You know all that shit that MMOs do now? Yeah fuck that” and then doubling down on what made FF11 not fun at all.

Too late; Mike & Mike was on this shit 2 hours ago.

It do be like it what do

The fuck are you talking about? I spent the first 10 hours vaguely understanding that this world has an Atlas-esque myth, who in stories of legend stood beside the kings, then suddenly 10 minutes later I find out he’s real and wants to kill me. This story is told shittily and they didn’t seem to understand that you

Been saying this for years. “That baby is coming out goddamn it, but you better not need any help whatsoever afterwards”

This. I stopped doing his quests because fuck going all the way out to that dock.

Can definitely smell this. Not so much with modern electronics, but “static-y, metal-y scent” is about the best way to describe it.

The difference here is that Trump has said these things, or that the people being picked to shape policy for the next 4 years actually have these factual track records. Most people aren’t conjuring bullshit from whole cloth like the right does.

It’s Xenoblade with a boy band instead of REYN TIME

I don’t know, I have reservations about this teams willingness to fight hard for a championship because that logo just isn’t angry or snarly enough.

I’m down for this. I was one of the first group to hit 80 on Age of Conan before they had any content past 50, so it’s been a while

. they illegally videotaped signals. that Elvaan in the comparison shot Bonarpant?! He’s the real main character in FFXI.

May want to blank out that personal info

That’s what I was saying. Illegal immigrants get “free home”? How the fuck do I sign up for that as a goddamn citizen? I want “free home”, dammit,

Hmmm...imperialistic world police America. That’s worked out well for the world in the last 80 years.....