I had a lover's quarrel with the world

Being a lawyer is so fun!

As a man I would suggest that insecure asshole types have a habit of self-sabotage. It’s not you, it’s that he is a jerk.

Lupus is the worst, keep fighting, and congratulations on the A!

I pan-seared/oven-finished some pork chops (which were brined and came out juicy and nice despite not being a huge pain in the neck) and made a roasted beet salad and some roasted potatoes. All worth it.

I keep recommending “A Wolf Among Wolves” by Hans Fallada about Berlin and the countryside during the Weimar Republic. Esoteric? Maybe, but so good. Also the new printing of Elizabeth Bishop’s Poems is great. She cut out everything she did not think was just right and it is so tight and perfect.

When Trump’s lawyers threaten you with libel go with truth as a defense.

I came expecting a series of Dabo jokes and a debate about history and the role of ideologies (both religious and non-religious) broke out. I am going over to n+1 now to post a poop joke in the comments.

Someone needs to help the crowd: the classic chant in these situations is “Auslanders aus!”

In this moment you are profoundly sad. That is a real. That matters. The fact that you also have a job you like does not mean you don’t get to feel anything or want someone to empathize with you. Give yourself the breaks that you would give your best friend. You deserve it.

I would vote for that dog. He has panache and I assume a good sense of style as he was obviously breaking the curtain rod to suggest some window covering upgrade.

One thing I learned was always to be early for things. It added no substantive value but people thought it showed organization and desire. It was also really easy to do.

Dr. Thorne (by Julian Fellowes the guy behind Dowton Abbey) is on Amazon and was really good.

And you can get out of the grays on one site and not others and you can also finally get out and then somehow lose your burner key and have to start over (which really sucks (but you do get to reflect on whether you should have a better/different name)).

I felt that way in law school several times and rebounded. Does the degree have value in itself? Are you learning something? If either answer is yes, it is one way to change your perception and just power through. That’s what I was able to do: “well at least I will know some law when this is over, back to studying.”

Absolutely not. He’s well past the age of consent. He can vote and drink — all legally! Why deny yourself a positive experience out of a sense a culturally-induced guilt? Just be honest about it with him.

I hate to suggest that these movies are fungible junk, but could these movies be fungible junk?

Being a man I can confirm that men are the worst. I am sorry he is a coward. I hope you get some closure.

Sorry about your day and your dog, short memories are a dog’s blessing.

You are doing the Lord’s work.

My mother, who is 86, says that the proper peanut sandwich pairing is mayo and lettuce! Knowing this I asked her opinion of this cheese idea, thinking she might be receptive to this insanity. Her reply: “Cheese?!? No, that’s just sick.”