I had a lover's quarrel with the world

If you want a female poet to read on the beach Adrienne Rich’s 21 Love Poems which are collected in Dream of a Common Language are a really great story on the arc of a love affair.

I appreciate this social experiment and agree what you will hear will be bad and fascinating (can confirm from experience). Maybe do it with a group of friends though, one of whom is an off duty cop, or have superpowers (your choice).

You can still get a firing squad in Utah at your own request instead of injection. If you have to get killed by the State to satisfy some mistaken notion of justice this is the baller call. Don’t fake medicalize me like I am going in for the most terrible appendectomy ever, shot me against a wall like a prisoner from

The death penalty was essentially briefly unconstitutional under the 1970s Supreme Court (Furman v. Georgia voided all the state statutes) but the Supreme Court in Gregg “reversed” that precedent in the 1976 when Texas and Georgia rewrote their statutes to make them very complicated and “insure” due process. Thurgood

Ah yes, male judging at it’s best.

So true. The show is entertaining and well-acted but solitary is a hell hole and max. is just constant strip searches and grounds is still a place you have to live in constant alertness.

Were it a one-time thing (that she left you when you needed support) I would say “well there’s always a complicated story and who knows where she was in her life, etc.” I think three incidents of leaving you when you needed help suggests that she is not a friend that you need in your life.

This is the cat hat that I needed to see tonight. Congratulations to last week’s winner.

People generally have no idea.

State court, so we have to win a motion for interlocutory appeal or we have to try what’s left and then try is all again when we win the appeal. :-(

Yes, of course. He wondered several times how “odd” he found it that some of the inmates reported thinking the wrestling was “in fun.” Like it was impossible to imagine that it was both wrong to wrestle with inmates (and suggested a terrible future escalation) but could also — at some level — be a change from the

Ebay can be very effective for this sort of thing. Make sure the seller has a positive rating though and has had many transactions over a long period of time.

UPDATE: So, I wrote two weeks ago about how I am an attorney and, with my firm and the great lawyers and assistants I get to work with, represent some women who have been abused by a guard in prison. Like I said then, I was waiting for a decision from the judge on whether the supervisors of the bad guard would get out

No, state-run. And while I know the judge should not take the bait on ignoring my client’s positions under the standard, what judges should do and what they do are not always aligned.

Continue to see the therapist and don’t accept or internalize the bullshit “it’s because you’re mom now” efforts to minimize your concerns about your mental health. My kids were born when I was young and it is very hard. There should be no shame is admitting that and asking for help.

I hear you, it can be very hard to just be hanging around on a long weekend. I always plan something, no matter how inconsequential and try to remember that anything can be an adventure.

They are remarkable and deserve the best. Their complaint got filed by a male prisoner at another prison who somehow got a copy of the internal investigation file into the bad actors and used it to draft a legal complaint for the women. The prison found his copy of that confidential file and put him in solitary for

I have a seizure disorder and live in fear of having a seizure on a subway platform and getting killed. Plus, waking up from any seizure, even one where you did not bite the crap out of your tongue and your mouth is full of blood is like waking up from a beating. So I don’t know about how hard the rest of it has been

No, someone lied about you and got caught. This, to me, is not your fault.