I had a lover's quarrel with the world

And if you go to the Accademia right when it opens (like get to the door before it opens) you walk right through to the David and be alone with it for about 4 minutes. This is absolutely worth the effort.

Governor’s races in New Jersey and Virginia are in November of THIS YEAR. If we want to show Trump and his voters we don’t agree let’s defeat Chris Christie’s handpicked GOP replacement by as many points as possible. Same idea for Virginia.

Seizure first aid if you happen to be standing next to someone who goes down with one: protect the head so they don’t smash it on the floor repeatedly (this is mostly how people die from seizures); try to permit fluids in the mouth to drain (to prevent aspiration); call 911. Do not try to put anything in the mouth —

Look at Article maybe? I have a chair that I am going to order and I have been reading reviews and people are positive about them.

I know the feeling. Just keep at it, there’s no way out but through.

I hear you, I puzzled over the question and still don’t know that the house really did the trick. Maybe it was when the plumbing in the house broke and cost a fortune to fix?

Special occasion pens are the best pens.

There’s a whole Polish thing about violent mermaids — the Free Polish Army (that fought the Germans in WWII (and mostly got sent around to the most dangerous places by the Allied Command)) had a mermaid with bare breasts and long flowing hair and shield and a giant scimitar raised over her head as its insignia. It is

My NASA engineer sister says that Hidden Figures is good — so that’s may be an option.

I would say the house. Now it seems a lifetime ago.

I hear how tough this is for you. You are fighting though — don’t forget that — and that is today’s hard work. And we are all supporting your fight.

This is a great article, thanks for linking to it. It is so hard to remember that the best and truest nurturing that we get (and need) is that which we do for ourselves.

I don’t think these things are mutually exclusive. And the question was “why don’t men tell me up front that they are in a relationship?” That answer, at a very basic level is yours: they are immoral scumbags. Giving that we all probably agree that lying (whether by commission or omission) is bad, the question I

This will be a third Thanksgiving alone for me (the children will come on the weekend and I have not significant other at the moment (imagine long self-destructive story here)). I am going to go see Arrival and the Edge of 17 and the Magical Beast movies all day. For me it is really just about cramming stuff in so I

I like this as an affirmative response, though it may be a little aggressive.

I think a man in a relationship is more confident and thus finds it is easier to be confident with other women. This dynamic leads to an unethical cycle of emotionally or physically cheating on the woman who got you up and running in the first place. There is a lot of self-deception at work in the mind of such a man

If we are talking about poetry, there is a great book by Tim Kendall that has the best of Robert Frost’s poems in it and each poem is followed by an insightful little essay (1 to 3 pages) giving you some idea what it is about. So if you have 15 minutes you can learn something but in small chunks.

Trastevere is very beautiful, the mouth of truth is there at Santa Maria Trastevere and that’s definitely worth seeing as a fun touristy thing to do. Also the Caravaggios at Santa Maria del Popolo should not be missed — art in situ like that is all the more amazing — and there is a great Thom Gunn about Caravaggio’s

It will be so fun. It always is. The kind of fun that makes you wake up at 4 am ready to vomit, but fun nevertheless. And you’re right nothing gets tried so enjoy it (while trying to stay sane).

As a survivor of three different trials that lasted at least 6 weeks (one went to 10), I would advise to think about your reactions to stress (I don’t eat) and then take small simple steps to combat that reaction (I always carry energy bars when on trial). Because you can’t really fight the stress (because that’s the