You should be ashamed.
You should be ashamed.
Back, and to the left.
Back and to the left... Back and to the left...
I never considered stepping onto my local Mitsubishi dealer’s lot because in all of their radio ads some guy was screaming at me. I don’t have time for anyone that kind of garbage.
The second one.
You have the best Kinja name.
The NFL tests for marijuana, so instead of inhaling smoke or vapor from a plant, guys choose to put this chemical nightmare into their bodies. Drug policy across the board is broken and incentivizes behavior that leads to awful shit like this.
Listening to a Deadcast is like hiring Gordon Ramsay to build your house.
At least he's sober [well, I'm assuming he's sober] and safe. After the Vikings loss, I half expected him to go on a bender to end all benders, get addicted to bath salts and end up in a Costa Rican prison. FUNBAG would not be the same if it was in Spanish...
I hate it when I click on the Deadcast posts thinking its something I can actually read and enjoy instead of never listen to because I’m at work and will never remember or have time later.
That’s all he wrote?
He was a dynamic offensive threat that changed the National Football League and inspired guys like Aaron Hernandez and Rae Carruth. RIP.
He was 40.
Yeah this is some Virgin Mary shit ...
An 80-year old man was having his annual checkup and the doctor asked him how he was feeling. “I’ve never been better!” he boasted. “I’ve got an eighteen year old bride who’s pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that?”
Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.
Could this BE any more intriguing????
The problem is that Congress passes renewals to the Renewable PTCs, not the President. Yes, it sucks that they have often been delayed: