Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

You should be ashamed.

Back, and to the left.

Back and to the left... Back and to the left...

I never considered stepping onto my local Mitsubishi dealer’s lot because in all of their radio ads some guy was screaming at me. I don’t have time for anyone that kind of garbage.

Oh, ha, it actually is the TV character. I thought there was just an architect I had never heard of that had the same name. I’ve only seen a couple episodes, didn’t realize that was his profession.

The second one.

Mike Brady beats Frank Lloyd Wright any day. Only Mike could fit this:

You have the best Kinja name.

The Saarinens....

4. Frank Gehry

Definitely modeled after the Opti-Grab.

Tired of the snow and cold, but at least had a visit by some mule deer this morning when waiting for the school bus.


The NFL tests for marijuana, so instead of inhaling smoke or vapor from a plant, guys choose to put this chemical nightmare into their bodies. Drug policy across the board is broken and incentivizes behavior that leads to awful shit like this.

Listening to a Deadcast is like hiring Gordon Ramsay to build your house.

At least he's sober [well, I'm assuming he's sober] and safe. After the Vikings loss, I half expected him to go on a bender to end all benders, get addicted to bath salts and end up in a Costa Rican prison. FUNBAG would not be the same if it was in Spanish...

I hate it when I click on the Deadcast posts thinking its something I can actually read and enjoy instead of never listen to because I’m at work and will never remember or have time later.

That’s all he wrote?

He was a dynamic offensive threat that changed the National Football League and inspired guys like Aaron Hernandez and Rae Carruth. RIP.

He was 40.