It happens. 747s are pretty tail heavy. That's why they let first class board before everyone else...
It happens. 747s are pretty tail heavy. That's why they let first class board before everyone else...
You must think in Russian.
Insurance injuries. They're the worst.
I'm just comforted by the fact that everyone will wait for all of the facts regarding this event to surface and then use them in order to develop an objective picture of what occurred. That's what makes this place special.
No third brake light, or from what I can see, even a place for one. Think pre 1986 cars.
Spent a lot of time under the inflatable domed swimming pool and playing little league right over there, which should date me pretty well. Good times.
That’s right, I think... Grew up in that weird part of Lilburn that’s nowhere near Lilburn off of Stone Drive between 78 and Rockbridge. The 047. Still have a house out in the 656 though!
Shout out to my Loganville peeps! Highway 78 represent!
43% of the words in this article were links offsite. Congratulations?
Alternative viewpoint: Fernando Rodney is Homer Simpson.
Geico acts as a source of investment capital for Warren Buffett. His attitude is, so long as the company provides cash flow and breaks even, he can get his returns from investing customer premiums. More customers = more cash in the float.
NP because cars like this were the inspiration for the 6000 SUX.
I agree, that was a mie drop moment for Mr. Draper.
Agreed. I used to have to fly out of MCO to return home to DFW on a regular basis. There are 5 or 6 dailies on American between the two airports. On a good high-season Friday I could volunteer to be bumped starting with the 9:30 AM flight and not get on board until 5:30 that evening. I managed about $6000 in vouchers…
Or if he had a girl who looked good so he could call her.
Enough with the red flags, Mort. The NFL has made it clear that all actions are red flag eligible, except those that would make sense.
So... Does his son have a scarlet D? You know, lead by example?
Perfect car for the aspiring upscale realtor wife. If you put a few grand aside for the inevitable repairs, it still makes a good deal. If you don’t/can’t, it’s a setup for a nightmare. In other words, if you can afford to buy it without financing it or having to blow your nest egg, it's a great year or two of fun.