Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

All I know is that I want, no, need, a Randy Johnson bobble head.

It’s at .0005 right now, this may be your chance to get in on the ground floor! It has averaged around 40 million shares exchanged per day lately, which is about 10% of shares outstanding. Someone is day-trading the shit out of this, hoping to get it on a pop. Funny story time:

If you're the kind of person that would spend $7500 on this, it may be a good thing, as your judgement will clearly leave you homeless at some point anyway and it will come in handy then.

So you're saying this guys statements improved your perception of Saleen?

I’m kind of fuzzy on it, because it’s pretty old. Here’s what I recall:


Any time I see one, I assume gun.

You wouldn't happen to be in Houston, would you? I saw one just like that a day or two ago. Nice car either way, congratulations!

It’s entirely possible Lawson had just borrowed Magary’s phone.

Horses too!

And someone would try to get it to “deliver” them to work, it would get hit by a manned vehicle, killing the unprotected occupant, and the grand experiment would end. People ruin everything.

Well, punctuation is important. You could make a series out of it. Colon would be interesting.

Mass hysteria.

The Vane post was definitely an auto schedule, but at least got shared before everyone went to get drunk.

Patrick - thanks for keeping the content coming today. I think your readers understand that the issues facing the GM sites right now are complex and challenging, but I wanted you to know that your effort has been obvious and it shows an incredible level of professionalism and respect for your audience.

My bet is Denton told everyone to take a day. Perhaps offered a tab at the local watering hole.

Holy shit it's back! Thanks Drew!

Budapest is always a good time. Last time I was there, we spent 30 minutes being chased on foot by a cab driver swinging a steel pipe.

Indirect confrontation via passive-aggressive behavior 101.

OK, I clicked play on the .gif. Now I have to sit here all day watching it just in case it does something. THANKS DEADSPIN!