Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

Well, if your friend Jack was on a horse, you'd help him off, right?

Now playing

Good enough for Steve Martin, good enough for me.

At first I was thinking he is gonna be fucked when the cops arrive, then the gossip gals noticed him. He's going to be saved when the cops arrive. Those women are about to go kick his ass.

Thank you, I aim to please!

When did you have it? I think I spotted you in the 2222/Bullick Hollow/Lime Creek Rd area...

“Hoy hoy! Let’s go electrocute an elephant!”

How many NASCAR fans are seriously injured watching a race every year?

That, ladies and gentlemen, is why you never pad your experience on LinkedIn.

For those of us that aren't concerned. I guess he's still fine. You keep on making good decisions, my man. It's paying off for you.

Even with the excellent visibility that the F-16 offers, it still has a lot of blind spot in front of the jet. My speculation-o-matic says the Viper was descending and got the bug smasher from the rear and above so that neither pilot was aware of one another until the bang.

My turtle lives on a diet that consists solely of Kaboom! cereal and blue snow cone syrup. He loves it.

Turtle shit green is never an appropriate color for a car. Ever.

Real bullet holes, on the other hand... Very stylish.

Hate to tell the guy, but all it did was reinforce the public perception of the “scene” these idiots think they manage. Jail time and crushed cars for all of them, please.

That body work on the bed is the killer. It's been bent pretty hard.

The good news for Fiat Chrysler is that the public comment period is only through July 17. Based on history, the NHTSA will probably not have time to review any input received.

His quitting? Is that getting fired the right way?

When HABU goes wrong.

Allow me to offer a rebuttal:

Hope is a powerful thing. Just ask Andy Dufresne. Or that guy with the huge dick up in New York.