Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

It’s OK to be honest, Patrick, Travis is gone now.

They are priced low because they are tiny penalty boxes that sound like a mail jeep with an exhaust leak.

It's just letting you know the window is nice and closed. Feature, not bug.

Thanks, never knew what it was called, but knew it was some tough stuff. We usually ended up putting a ton of high build primer over the stuff and settling for “pretty smooth” before spraying them.

Here in Texas, they get around the issue by making it illegal for the shop that performs your state inspection to repair anything that prevents you from passing. It keeps the whole “we can’t let you leave” from happening pretty well.

Chances are good that, with no pads, the pistons have at least extended beyond their seals.

Yes. Yes I was. This was a burner I use to comment on Gawker because I was banned at some point, but I used it to comment on Jalopnik yesterday and got followed, so decided to run with it and update the name. A real rags to riches story. Even emailed the burner key to myself so I won't lose it.

In related news, Houston also received a permit for the first commercial unicorn fart harvesting facility in America. Negotiations are underway for the rights to collect all gold found at the end of rainbows within 100 miles of the city.

Back in my body shop days, we would average one of those Blazers every month. Whatever paint the Army put on them is damn near impervious to removal, so 9 out of 10 buyers would balk at the cost of a fresh coat. The other 1 would almost always go with a metallic grey. The funny thing is that 40,000 miles was about the

No. Restoration Hardware.

Less Nick Cage, more Quint. The last thing I want to see is his derpy ass overacting in what should be a serious movie.

Vidal. There was an entry on Deadspin about a soccer player named Vidal wrecking his Ferrari, a good reply about it resulting in gore... It just popped into my head after that. Good times.

Thank you Miss Kay! As a Mustang guy and a... Guy, I appreciate everything about your award!

Whoo hoooo! I can only hope that song was stuck in everyone else’s head all morning as well. That is my gift to everyone!

She's probably seen a grown man naked as well.

Yes. These are crack in a bag.

Pretzel dog, Drew. Pretzel dog always wins.

He was like Morton Anderson in Sega’s Joe Montana Football (93!). If you put him in as QB, he could outrun any other player in the game. It was fun to try to break 115 points per game against the computer.

That's because gin is cat piss.

If someone would just hide his step-stool, he wouldn't be able to climb up on his soapbox and this problem wouldn't exist.