I want to love Subaru products, I really do, and then I sit in one.
I want to love Subaru products, I really do, and then I sit in one.
Great, so now my infotainment systems will come bloated with ad-ware like a Dell computer or Android phone......
Devils advocate here but would everyone be ok if their 401K values remained stagnant or went down? Seems everyone forgets that they are often invested in the very system they want to demonize. It is a tough situation with no easy solution. Time to move all my money to muni bonds!
This is where a BMW would have shined.
“The German brand and its U.K. sibling, Vauxhall, made a profit of 859 million euros ($979,000) in 2018"
Looks like a Nissan GTR is rebelling against its parents in a moment of teen angst.
Names changed to protect the innocent.
Similar Atlanta story with good ending. Traffic on Northside drive was backed up and a guy in a Camaro was using the center turn lane to pass all the traffic and then duck in whenever he came to a traffic light. On the last section where it was possible to do this (heading south towards I-75) he ducked back in the…
You sound like you should be on Jalopnik “Old Cars should be driven, not put in a museum!” I guess it is universal! And for what its worth, I agree with you. These are goods to be used and enjoyed, they are not pieces of art. I guess the definition of enjoyment varies though.
- Drives clapped out rust buckets that break down as daily driver.
Just watched video and see the Musk comparison already made. That’s what I get for reading the article only.
SEC Investigations, accusations of false advertising, Big Three trying to suppress. You sure we aren’t talking about Tesla?
“Mato elbowed an officer in the stomach while rolling, then assumed a “fighting stance” once everyone stopped falling. He is also accused of taking a swing at an officer before he was arrested. “
This guy was pretty far down on his bucket list when this got produced. Or was this at the top of said list?
Limited knowledge here so real question: The trains in the Northeast seem very popular and are used as commuter lines. As such, why are fares not covering the ongoing maintenance of the system? Or does the money get siphoned off and then reallocated throughout the whole system (or retained by the government)?
I was an hour lat to the game but made the same suggestion. Good looking cars not seen all that often, perhaps because they are in the shop.....