
I think we all know which commenter is in the pocket of Big Breakfast

the popular brunch food usually scarfed down by 20-somethings wasted on overpriced mimosas

If you think filming sex scenes is awkward, try getting caught masturbating to them in the theater.

A few years ago, maybe 2013 or 14, Secretary Hillary Clinton came to my work (not Wall Street, tech company) for a fireside chat and to promote her book. She talked at length about her experience as SOS, and one thing she discussed was how much “small offenses” matter to so many leaders and countries around the world,

I have to laugh that it’s always the left labeled special snowflakes when grown ass adult Trump supporters are fighting with Broadway, Starbucks and Kelloggs all at once. Boycott Froot Loops and Pop-Tarts!

“Sorry Barron, it sucks to be scrutinized for every little thing because your parent decided to run for President. But hey, at least you won’t have anyone on the left calling you the First Dog”

Has it occurred to her that it might help if her own husband stopped making fun of the disabled?

I know in my logical place that there is no hope here but I’m still in the painful stage of grief from this election (as in sick to my stomach on a daily basis) and I know this will ultimately lead to more pain because I dared but hope but shit man, am I hoping.

I read that too quickly and thought you were wishing people deep dish. Which I wouldn’t mind.

a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.

I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

No, which is like, reason 1,244,944 why this is so infuriating. Couldn’t we have at least got a smart, not-tacky fascist family to take over our country?

We’re required. It’s in the contract.

I came here to read this and offer up two scoops of snark. But I am not goin to take that route. Mr. Dvorsky has written a good primer as to what can happen with some pregnancies for those not in the know. Even under normal circumstances pregnancy and child birth is a messy and complicated endavour.

This must be Trump’s dream version of a comment, where apparently women just don’t count. Michonne and Sasha are prominent, fully realized characters and have been on the show for 4 seasons already.

The walking dead has probably the most diverse cast in genre television...

I donated to planned parenthood and then got a lecture from a family member about dead babies. So I donated again, double my original amount, in said family member’s name.

Directly he’d have to pay whatever damages were awarded. Indirectly it could be used as justification for impeachment (“high crimes and misdemeanors” is deliberately vague). I don’t think there’s any chance the trial will be over before the electoral college votes but it could encourage faithless electors.

Sure, women have been giving birth without medical intervention for centuries. And wow, it’s like modern medical technologies have had no impact on maternal death rates and infant mortality rates! It’s like nothing has changed at all!