
It’s crazy when doubling the price of literally everything you sell while halving the quality doesn’t result in higher sales.

So I know looking a certain way for movies/tv is kind of part of the job description for actors sometimes, but Jesus it must be SO bad for you. Jared Leto after he gained a bunch of weight for a movie said “Really, it’s a stupid thing to do. I got gout, and my cholesterol went up so fast in such a short time that my

“You really respect the raptors. Admire them, even.”

I have trouble seeing the Raptors as villains. They aren’t villainous. They are animals. They are no more evil or cruel than a wolfpack, or a tiger, or a shark or a hippopotamus. They act on instinct and basic needs. They don’t kill children because they are monstrous, immoral creatures. They kill children because

For me, I think they should replace them with Utahraptors as they were scarier, larger and would fit the role better:

They need feathers. And for anyone who says feathers are not scary, let me present this John Brosio painting:

I can see where you’re coming from but I have a bit of a different perspective (and am female if that matters). Mr. Mimble was a virgin when we met in our late 20’s, and I was not. I’d had a few sexual partners of both sexes by then and was very comfortable with sex.

Thank you! This was my exact thought.

What ever happened to that Marc Jacobs truther we had running around?
I miss the days when trolls were just crazy and hilarious instead of mean.
(although they may not have been trolling, I think maybe they actually believed the stuff they said.)

ETA: Also I apparently like Marc Jacobs because both these outfits are

While I often hate when someone is called a “side piece,” I’d be totally down with being called a “wish piece.” BRB...texting boyfriend...

Don’t speak that way about hamsters.

I was shocked that it was actually InTouch and not TMZ. Also, I wonder what made them release that information. It felt totally out of the blue. Everyone was thinking this family was so cute and People was doing features on them. And then Boom! All this stuff came out. I was saying to myself a few weeks ago, everyone

Can I just say... it’s like 2 weeks later, and I’m still shocked that it’s InTouch carrying the journalistic water here. But good for them, for real. I know it’s kind of backhanded to say it that way, but I don’t know how to give them a compliment for the truly great work they’re doing here without it sounding

I know a few other commentators have asked this question, but has any of the media coverage addressed the issue of why Jim Bob and Michelle are the ones doing the press tour and speaking out for Josh when he’s a 27 year old man?

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

And how is the standard for the culpability of child molestation based on how traumatized the victim is? So we can forgive child molestation if the victim really isn’t affected?! Wtf. Also, if something like this occurred in a family like the kardashians the people defending the duggars would be the first out for

Yeah, this distresses me more than anything so far. Not to mention, even if she truly is totally fine with it, there were four other victims. One of whom has gone on record stating she feels (felt?) uncomfortable around Josh. I really don’t think you can go, “Well, one of the victims is a-ok with it, so it was no big

And horrifying that she’s being forced to do it on national television.

its like the ray rice/janay rice apology tour all over again. we’re like one interview away from the girls apologizing for their roles in the incident(s)