What’s the brand you recommend?
What’s the brand you recommend?
Well hey, my brother got certified via the internet to marry us, and nobody died. He should be able to get certified via the internet to birth some babies too!
How does this even work. Me wearing this = free boob show, which I’m not saying no to, but I’m not saying yes either. My nursing baby would love it tho.
Wow, this puts into words and tied together so many of the thoughts I’ve had on this election. Thanks for the link.
I imagine treating a child after death, no matter the technique, will not be effective.
From one person who’s been run over by a Ford F-450 to another, what a shitty club to join.
Yes. My dad and I went to a fancy resort in Mexico and not only did all the hotel staff assume we were a couple, but out at dinner one night a mariachi band began serenading us with love songs. Finally my broken Spanish hit on the right words and the singers switched up the song to “Blue Suede Shoes”
Diaper money is my life. I love it.
I ordered a soup the other day and though I mostly enjoyed it I did think “hey, there’s too much bay leaf flavor to this.”
A+ for interesting story about cooking beets. One time I made beet cake. It’s carrot cake, but beets instead, it tastes like a yummy dirt cake, and it is the color of blood.
But what is the Serum thing they’re talking about??? So many chances to turn into my mom while reading this.
I had a wonderful birth experience with my twins. I was terrified because they needed to come out early at 34 weeks and I had to decide between C-section and vaginal within 5 minutes of finding out my baby boy was in distress. I didn’t think vaginal was an even an option because he (baby b) was breech but the doctors…
I don’t think she’s republican. From following her on twitter she seems like she’s a liberal- hanging w Chelsea Clinton recently.
The dress must DVF, right?
Breastfeeding is the worst. But babies are the best. So it kind of evens out.
Seriously. I would have commenced operation squirt coworkers at 5.
The number of times I forgot I had box cutters on me and made it to the gate is 3. Meanwhile the one time I flew with my non American passport within the US and, since I’m a US citizen I have no visa stamp, that was like level 9 code red. TSA = total idiocy
My mom told me to stop watching The Walking Dead because I had a high risk pregnancy and it was too stressful a show. Um, hello? The only stress there was you telling me what shows I can and cannot watch.
This article is where I find myself googling “amy schumer furniture boyfriend” at 5:31 in the morning.
Breastfeeding stinks. Everyday I talk myself out of quitting. I hate these boobs, my milk production (twins) is out of control enormous causing weekly plugged ducts, only one baby learned to nurse so I pump constantly to feed his sister. And hell no, I am not going to break out my bosom in front of strangers or even…