I read “The Get Down” and all I hear is the chorus for Fat Cats and Bigga Fish
I read “The Get Down” and all I hear is the chorus for Fat Cats and Bigga Fish
What?!?! Jezebel illustrates an article on women artists with art not made by a woman? This is ridiculous. Walrus is cool, but fuck that noise.
So two days ago as I was waiting to cross the street I watched a tween girl and her friends point at, laugh, then snap a pic of an obese lady who was walking by. I was really tempted to scold them, but then I just kind of didn’t do or say anything. What do you do in these situations?
Well shoot. What will I do without Too Much, Girl? I read it and pretend I’m some makeup maniac skilled at the art of transformation instead of a mom with two newborns who hasn’t showered in X amount of days. Sad face. And Millihelen is the only place where I’m not in the grays. Super sad face.
Didn’t Will Shortz retire?
One of the most brutal comments for me was when people would say about my dad “he’ll always be with you.” No, he is gone, that’s why it hurts so damn much.
It made me mad because maternal history is not always a good indicator of fertility. My maternal grandmother ——> 4 kids starting late thirties, my mother ——> 4 kids starting late twenties, me ——-> super low egg supply/follicle production that I only became aware of in my early thirties. I assumed I’d be on pregnancy…
This isn’t a dress so much as a tank with tails in the front and the back.
Those kinds of arguments I always wonder where is all this money they think is getting handed out (and easily) to the victims? Hoping to get fucked by a star so as to cry rape so as to score payout seems like a very complicated way to make some money. The rape industry just doesn’t pay.
Are you kidding me??? Asking to be ungreyed works? *so freaking jealous*!!!
Shit. I just toured the NICU facility at my hospital because I’m having babies 6 weeks early. Scared to death about how tiny they will be :( I hope your sister’s baby will be okay.
Though, FYI, dryer sheets kill the absorbency of towels. So don’t put the dryer sheets in the towel storage.
We have been searching for the ideal spice rack since FOREVER... What’s yours look like??.
I am having babies on Tuesday... What last hurrahs do I need to fit in between now and then??? Mani-pedi is already booked.
God, what a frustrating article to read. I have a small retail business, I learned everything on my own and I would kill for her exposure. This girl has no budgeting, lousy cash flow, poor inventory management, zero managerial skills, no customer service instinct. *bashes head against wall* GRRRAAWWRR I could do this…
These are like beautiful bejeweled finger nail barnacles.
Calling Idris Elba “too street” is like calling anyone but Ian Fleming “James Bond author”
My best friend and I shared an email account that we got thru registering at a coffee shop kiosk. We had to pay in quarters to power the computer. It was the 90s.
Did she enter beyond Thunderdome?
Man. This breaks my heart. I was run over by a truck (completely the trucks fault- making an illegal right hand turn) and I spent years trying to figure out the why of it, asking myself what I could have done differently. And that was a vehicle accident. My heart breaks for the women who are raped, suffer the…