
Ok, you got me. These would be awesome to run and then pee in. I'm sure the sweaty material will not cling or hinder me at all. I can't wait to use the toilet shirtless because my runsies are pulled down around my ankles. Sign me up. (Side query, do you work for Lululemon corporate? Or maybe did you design the

I'm guessing you don't get as sweaty when you run as I do. My last race I layered leggings with shorts because the morning was so cold. Trying to wrangle those in the port-o-potty almost killed me. I can't imagine how I would have managed in a shorts/onesie situation.

It's both the pull down (arms out, body pull down, then entire piece pull down a la shorts) as well as the pull back up. Ever tried to put on a wet one piece swimsuit? I imagine it'd be similar but without the 'pull the crotch to the side' work around because hello leg part of the shorts.

I know people do that, but not me. Accidentally peeing myself at summer camp that one time seriously traumatized me. NEVER AGAIN I tell you. Never again.

Can you imagine the struggle, in a port-o-potty no less, to recloth yourself in a sticky tangled one piece?

So, when you're running a race and you have to pee, you must disrobe entirely from your work out gear?

Posted initially, accidentally in the rate your coworkers article. My bad.

Woh! Posted in super wrong talk thread somehow. Oops.

Remember, if such an occasion should occur, it's important to stay well hydrated.

Jessica Simpson explains the naming of her new fragrance, Jessica Simpson "I was just like, there's no reason to hide who this is all about!"

It was in commenting, if people didn't use caps appropriately, typed all lowercase or whatever, they deleted your profile. That was their condition to being part of the Gawker commenterati.

That sucks but their website their rules. Remember when Gawker deleted commenters who weren't using caps?

Plausible deniability!! *bangs gavel two times*

After lava soup + blender explosion myself, I learned this Hand held blender is the gold standard for blending hot soups.

And he speaks Spanish!! Oh, wait.. that's two l's in his holla. Guess he just speaks Disappointing.

I'd even give kudos to her for not saying something like "Sorry, but I have pregnancy brain!" Or other such baloney that women do all the time that total undermines our ability to have hormones AND YET STILL manage to be intelligent. That's my pet peeve.

Yes! But brunette! And my parents were never matching.

Or my secret is out... my mom is Victoria Beckham!!

I barely survived! *shudder*

Oh, I agree with you. If I ever have a fleet of kids, I'll be doing the exact same thing.