
"Excuse me, officer. I lost one, it looks like this." *points to one of the remaining unlost children*

My mom did basically the same thing to us four kids. That is, made us wear matching red polo shirts and khaki shorts/skirt when traveling. Yep, pretty much exactly the same but worse.

I think the worst peaked (? Or valley-ed?) yesterday with the rosebud piece. I slept very badly last night. *shudder*

If you have Glass, buy a vowel and a consonant and get that shit to be Glasses.

Sign me up when we get to the ketchup coffee. Until then, barf. Side note: do Americans *really* need more butter in our diet? Like, really? I very much doubt it.

Wouldn't it be watching car chases is our federal pasttime? Also, car chases aren't broadcast all that often in SF. LA it's basically non-stop.

I'm 35 and call my mom Mommy and my dad Daddy, and so do my 3 brothers. "Mom" and "dad" just don't feel right. It's like calling them by their first names.

Alex is the bad guy. When will Piper learn? Alex keeps fucking her over, and I just want some serious Piper vengeance! I'm not satisfied with the tiny little bone they tossed in at the end of season 2. And, side note, if I was a white lesbian Nicky would be my girl first, then Piper, and finally bottom of the barrel,

To get to the disgusting medical story, I was run over by a truck, hospitalized at SF General and poked full of holes for various plumbing including chest tubes, IVs, epidural, and catheter. Which sucked. It was gross, but not disgusting. Disgusting didn't happen until I developed an infection after my chest tubes.

Sounds good to me so long as Alex tricks Piper into killing Alex. #teamIhateAlex

Hopefully Piper stays in prison FOREVER so we can continue watching new seasons of OITNB. This is why the prison trope is better then high school trope because nobody has to graduate.

I love me some high waisted pants. I will most likely buy a pair of these.

Where can we start queuing up behind you?

Shoot, I'm still afraid on occasion. Don't ask me to look at any mirrors in the middle of the night. I will probably pee myself.

I would wear the second one. *hangs head**cries a little* *uses own dress to blot tears*

This is a girl who's daddy didn't love her enough. Or loved her a little too much. Either way, he didn't walk her down the aisle.

The Netflix algorithm finally figured me out. 1st up, Flowers in the Attic = awesome! 2nd rec Lizzie Borden starring Christina Ricci = killing it! Finally, Beautiful Creatures = *tearing up* you know me so well, Netflix.

I hear the trick is to chew lots of gum. Werk those jaw muscles, girl!

I should probably mention that I am 35 years old.

NEVER! MWAH HA HA! Ahem, because my dad gives me a ride home from work every single day and my mom visits or calls also every single day.