
By every account - and I mean every account - the ownership and FO are incredibly dysfunctional and surely a toxic environment to work in, as demonstrated by the fact that ownership shit-talks everyone who leaves the organization.

apples and mandarins

Posted this on a similar story.  People need to understand this in their bones.

It’s easier and more plausible for people to envision society outright coming to an end than it is for people to envision a society with a different mode of economic production beyond capitalism.

What strikes me is how many of the same people that regularly decry the dangers and evils of SOCIALISM — which they usually conflate with COMMUNISM in that they think everybody will get the same paycheck — and then without batting an eye will whine about how paying college athletes will ruin everything and would be a

This is so stupid. He’s saying free market price but the describing a theoretical price that HE IS COMING UP WITH and saying it’s too high.

I checked all the porn this weekend, did not see him.

Please make a script to have this posted in every blog, because it is never a bad time to point this out.

good time to point out that Joe Ricketts is trash

Why would people be inside a place where the Barenaked Ladies were playing? 

a 50% chance of scoring 6 points is literally better statistically than a 95% chance of scoring 3 points.

hurt, suspended, or in Cleveland

I can’t wait for Tua’s press conference — the one where he announces he’s not entering the draft and returning to Alabama for his senior season.

Miami is one of the best cities on earth, the way Adrian Peterson has a “#1 Dad” mug.  

“What’d he say, Bernie?”

This read like a article in an anthropological journal about some uncontacted tribe in the Amazon. 

And that Baltimore was the one to drop a 59 point masterpiece on Stephen Ross’s team is the icing on the cake.

Of course, they’re already IN Miami, so this doesn’t really apply...