“...the political press was fretting over Elizabeth Warren’s supposed charisma deficit and whether Americans would stand being “lectured to,”...”
“...the political press was fretting over Elizabeth Warren’s supposed charisma deficit and whether Americans would stand being “lectured to,”...”
Oh I’m sure she was already awake, I guarantee they turned the lights on for the person filming to go find the right spot, then turned them off again for Kylie to walk in.
If we are going to demand Elizabeth Warren address problematic surrogates then we sure as hell better deman Bernie address his own problematic history when it comes to race.
Okay, so, as far as I understand it, Sanders and Warren are basically running the same campaign. In terms of broad policy goals, they’ve offered the exact same stuff. Even a lot of their ideas about how to implement those goals are very similar. If you’re looking strictly at the content, it’s really a horse a piece.
I think you’re being kinda unkind to Tanden. What she’s saying is that it’s weird for AOC to credit Bernie with CHIP - the program AOC says she specifically benefited from - when CHIP’s passage is really due to Hillary, who worked harder on defining both the actual radical content of the bill and on ensuring it had…
Breaking: Adult Siblings Don't Live in Each Other's Pockets, Occasionally Disagree.
My first thought was that the airlines don’t want to pay licensing fees anymore.
That doesn’t tend to happen. A lot of the assumptions about how tipping impacts service and how hard people work have proven untrue. Tipping doesn’t lead to better service, higher tips don’t lead to better service, people do not work harder in an attempt to improve tips. Service level is mostly determined by culture,…
Just after you swallow your Ambien, stand in front of your full-length mirror in your shimmering turquoise lamé onesie and astronaut’s helmet. Who even are you Barbara? Is it who you wanted to be?
Pick the lounge chair furthest from the speakers and swipe through dating apps when the conversation seems to exclude you, which is often. Post a Story featuring the sunset glinting gold off the surface of the ocean beyond the saltwater pool. Caption it “Perfect ending to a perfect day,” hit refresh 20 times because…
I’m assuming this was the winner of this year’s Jezebel Scary Stories Contest...
Squat and crunch endlessly with her pink kettlebell and yoga ball. These are fun, right? Exercise is self-care, especially when the equipment is whimsical. Keep squatting and crunching until your body aches but your mind is quiet.
Niacin is vitally important for proper leg development in ducklings as well as their overall health into adulthood.
My personal favorite was that one that paid off like $150k and then waaaay down in the article it was like “oh by the way, I was given rental property by my family for passive income! But anyone can pay off their loans like I did!”
Warren is really good at rejecting the premise of bullshit questions without being dismissive. She’s got a talent for taking said bullshit questions and reframing them in a way that lets her say something of substance about an issue that matters. I really like that about her.
This exchange was probably her strongest moment of the night. Like, she wasn’t even really disagreeing with him, and somehow he felt wounded and like she owed him something, and started talking all out of neck and shit, and her face is all like “Bitch, I cant hear you; I’m standing right next to you.” and she’s just…
Can someone please explain to me why they are doing this? What about Sanders are they getting behind? I don’t understand why the Dems aren’t full on embracing Warren, who is *clearly* the best candidate.
Can Jezebel do a feature where you review a different DCOM every so often? Preferably starting with Zenon the Zrilogy or Brink!?